Pika Pika


Dec 28, 2006
a land filled with Chocobos
It's sad when the only games you have for portables are Pokemon games. Makes it hard to talk about anything else.

But with that said, How many of the pokemon games did you buy back when it was a hit? How many did it take to buy before it was noticed they aren't that much different and they all cost around 40 or 50 dollars.

Let's see there was the red, blue, yellow, gold, silver, saphire, ruby, leaf green, and fire red. Any others?
Got to admit, I had lots I had all except saphire and the last two. They sold well untill the US at least noticed it was a market set up to buy toys. After that.... it became more of an insult to like pokemon then it was to like Barney.

I think it affected my art style so maybe.... maybe that's why I still stick up for Pokemon and kept buying the games. What's your opinion on the games and the way they were continualy made?
Well, i hated the later version, they are just remakes and are nearly the same, change professor, change appearances, change names of towns and add a few more pokemon, and a new pokemon game is born....
I liked the games, even randomly play them every once and awhile. I got tired of the Poke'mon games, 'cause they were really all the same. They were cute, but not they just kinda... repeat.
Yeah, I was way into the Pokemon. Truth be told, I'm eagerly waiting Diamond and Pearl. I own Red, Yellow, Silver and Ruby. My little brother owns Blue, Gold, Crystal and Sapphire. He's still trying to get my to buy Emerald. It was a little easier for us, because we just each agreed to buy one game when they come out in pairs like that. The game is simple, but fun. I like it.
i have since then

red, blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal, ruby, sapphire and emerald

was planning on playing green on an emulator, but i didn't understand much of the japanese(it never game out in english)

games stolen: blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal

it's a pity indeed... those were the games with the most neat pokemon on all at level 100 and all... luckily they never got my red where i got a level 100 mew... lucky me

EDIT: going to buy diamond and pearl too... and the 3rd game of that series too, eventhough i don't know what name it will have
Right now I have Gold and Saphire for handheld, though I do own others Poke'mon games.

For differents reasons, I can't play my Blue, Yellow, Ruby or Crystal. Though I really did like Crystal. (Though saving between the boxes on the PC grew tiresome.)
I remember getting (and still owning)

Blue, Gold, Crystal.

Ah those were the best it has to be said, any further it just got crapppp.
Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, and Saphire. I'm hoping to get some
of the newer games. Just because that the games are very addicting and
time flies when I play them. (Plus i'm just hooked XD)
I've played and owned all of the Pokemon main seires at somepoint or another. The only ones left (split between me and my brother) are Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and Leafgreen . The others have dissapeared.

They are actually really good games, hense why I still play them from time to time. I shall probably pick up Diamond/Pearl if I ever get round to getting a DS.
Well it is I around the summer or mid spring, they didn't have an exact date on Daimond/Pearl, but as for the Pkmn games I've collected....well almost all of them besides, Fire Red, Ruby, and Gold. The only reason was some of my friends wanted some pokemon from the other version that they don't have.
I just hate you can't get some of the Poke'mon without trading. For those of us with out another gameboy/game/friend/cable to trade, that's really dag-on annoying.

Is Diamond and Pearl JUST for DS, or is it supposed to come out on any other systems?
April 22nd.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the DS
Be ready.
I guess I'm alrighty then. And did anybody get Ranger for DS? I think it's an okay relief from the normal Poke'mon games.

And I found you can get a code for Ranger that let's you get a Manaphy Egg. Manaphys supposed to be a Legendary Water Poke'mon for Diamond/Pearl, I think. Trade, it'll hatch. It's a cute little egg. ^_^

EDIT: If anybody's interested, here's where I found the code. I was waiting with the countdown. CODE.
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I have a lot of the games, 2 console based (Coliseum and Gale of Darkness) but mostly portable games - Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Pinball, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Version Blue, and I've even borrowed Pokemon Dash. Love the games, though I'd have to say Pokemon Dash and Gold/Silver are't my favourites. Looking forward to getting Diamond, and getting the Penguin starter. He eventually evolves into a Water/Steel type <3
I thought Diamond and Pearl were coming out on the GBA as well. I guess i'll definitely have to get a DS if not.
Oh yeah!! Me and my friend in my science class are super hyped about D/P comming out. With all the WiFi stuff, Pokèmon has never been so good.
Oh, Judge Rulia reminded me of the non-portable games, and a few others.. I also have Poke'mon Stadium 1 and 2 for Nintendo64, Poke'mon Colosseum for Gamecube, Poke'mon Pinball for Gameboy, and Pok'mon Mystery Dungeon: Red Version, and I have rented a Poke'mon game where you ride in a cart and take pictures, can't rememeber what it was called... Also borrowed Poke'mon XD.
It would probably be easier to list the games i haven't played rather than the ones i have played. In any case, i own Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Leaf Green, Fire Red, and Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (which sucks). I also have Stadium and Snap for the N64 and Colosseum for the Gamecube.
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