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  1. Lady Cazzeh

    Where are you?

    Currently about to go into giruvegan after levelling for a while. Not had a chance to play lately, been too busy with family issues :(
  2. Lady Cazzeh

    Buried, cremated or donated?

    Definately Burial for me. It would give my family somewhere to come and talk to me, pay respects, rather than be a bunch of dust that will inevitably end up blowing away anyway
  3. Lady Cazzeh

    What's your highest chain?

    Ive had a chain of 159 panther thingys in the golmore jungle.
  4. Lady Cazzeh

    I refuse to pay for air

    Think about it, what is 20 cents going to buy in a shop. We have to pay for air at our local gas station (im in the uk) and they are already charging an extortionate amount of money for gas/petrol. If you dont want to pay for air, then get yourself a hand pump :P
  5. Lady Cazzeh

    Have you ever had a dream about any Final Fantasy game?

    For the last two nights in a row, Ive been dreaming about wandering around Ivalice fighting random bosses. Its seriously getting disturbing now lmao. Last night, I was fighting rafflesia and ended up getting it on with Vaan :confused:. Now can you see why I'm disturbed :omg:
  6. Lady Cazzeh

    1000 ways to know if you play too much

    28: You have your mp3 player stuffed full of the music from the game (Check) 29: You dream about attacking bosses from the games every night (Check again)
  7. Lady Cazzeh

    Do animals have souls?

    Of course animals have souls. I also believe that all animals have their own personalities. Just because animals cant speak or converse with us in the normal manner, doesnt mean they are any less intelligent, or dont have a soul.
  8. Lady Cazzeh

    Depression / Suicide

    I third this. Ive found, that whilst its difficult to get people to listen in the real world, there are always people on the internet and forums, who are complete strangers, who experience the same as you, and are always willing to listen and advise, without judging on Real World stuff.
  9. Lady Cazzeh

    The "N" word, and You.

    I personally think banning the "N" word is a bit much. Yes its considered offensive, derogatory, racist etc, but at the end of the day, these are words. They only afford as much harm/racism/offense as a person gives them. Words are just words, no special powers, unless, they are treated...
  10. Lady Cazzeh

    Education and Employment: Do they go hand-in-hand?

    To be honest, in my opinion, formal education reflects often too much on a persons suitability for a job. An older more mature person in their late 40's early 50's for instance, may not posess the relevant academic qualifications, but yet, posess a wealth of real life practical experience which...
  11. Lady Cazzeh

    Don't you hate it when...

    I hate it when people spam my msn with crappy little messages like "if you die im not gonna be at your funeral" blah blah blah. I am now just blocking people who send those to me, im sick of them. Its pretty damned childish as well.
  12. Lady Cazzeh

    Where did you get your username from?

    Well my nickname is cazzeh, so i just grabbed ladycazzeh. Its also my username on a chat site too.
  13. Lady Cazzeh

    The Day After

    Theres a small summarasiation of the plot from IMDB :)
  14. Lady Cazzeh

    The Day After

    I have this film on DVD, and I must admit, it does make you think. I dont know what I would do in a nuclear explosion. Probably go underground and wait for it all to pass possibly.
  15. Lady Cazzeh

    Stereotypes, And Why I Hate Them

    What is a stereotype? I googled and got this response. I have been stereotyped many times, because of image, what I listen to. I try not to stereotype people, but prefer to see them as unique individuals. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. Lady Cazzeh

    Good places to train?

    Im alternating between the golmore jungle and the ozmone plains. Ive got all characters pretty much on level 30. Instead of favouring just 3 characters all the time, I've been switching them out as soon as they hit the next level. Both sand sea's are good too for levelling as the bestiary there...
  17. Lady Cazzeh

    ff sigs

    I think they are excellent :D. I hope to be that good in photoshop one day :D
  18. Lady Cazzeh

    Real Emotion or 1000 words

    1000 words because it had more meaning especially when the video is shown with it from the concert in the thunder plains.
  19. Lady Cazzeh

    Where are you going when you die?

    Im going to the Farplane :D Seems a much nicer thought than in a box in the ground :D
  20. Lady Cazzeh

    Sphere Grid vs. Level Up

    For me, it has to be levelling up the traditional way, although I did like the sphere grid too. It was a job to find multiples of the level key spheres though. Im still hunting for copious amounts of level 3 and 4 spheres.