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  1. M

    which one would you date.....

    i chose zell because squall would be too quiet and too unemotional for me. i think keeping up with seifer would be too much worlk. im not so fond of irvine's "The Ladie Love Me" attitude that much. Zell will be a handful too but the meeting of Zell FMV was really nice.
  2. M

    Genki Datta?

    :D hey everyone. i just wanted to introduce myself. i am a big fan of the FF series. I've played only 7 thru X-2 tho so i cant claim myself to be a hardcore fan.^_^ My favorite out of 5 is FFVIII. i love to music, the story line, characters, everything about it. my friend and i still to this...
  3. M

    Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

    it was hard deciding between selphie and rinoa but i voted for selphie. she is alot cuter and more upbeat about everything. I agree with what RAXEL said.