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  1. D

    Favorite Book Genre

    I enjoy horror, sci-fi and comedy (preferably black such) more than others.
  2. D

    Alien Life and Space exploration

    Yes, I believe there is life out there somewhere. Where? Well, in regards to our own solar system, my educated guess is that Europa and Titan are the objects most likely to harbor some form of life. And yes, we should definitely continue exploring space. What exactly are you talking about?
  3. D

    Post the lyrics of your favorite/favourite song(s)

    Cryptopsy - "Slit Your Guts" Lord Worm is a poet.
  4. D

    Hello, all.

    I came upon this place whilst looking for forums to post on and, well... here I am! Yes, you're all that lucky. I hope to have a good time here, stay active and post and such.