Search results

  1. Arcwolf

    Final Fantasy XI opening movie

    Never really understood that.. Unless I didn't progress far enough into the story.. (rank 6 windurst). When I think about it, the story is like any other final fantasy story. A random person (being you) somehow clashes into all these other important people (depending on nation), and eventually...
  2. Arcwolf

    What's Tidus' name?

    What a polite bunch of characters... I think whatever Tidus was named appears in Blitzball matches. Kinda forgot though, haven't played it in a while. Quick question though, isn't he on a blitzball team in X2... Like the Zanarkand Legends or something? Read that somewhere..
  3. Arcwolf

    Best & Worsts Thread

    .. Favorite Character: Squall Favorite Male Character: Squall (or Irvine) Favorite Female Character: Rinoa Favorite NPC character: Biggs and Wedge Favorite Weapon: Gunblade (Lionheart) Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart Favorite GF: Tonberry! Love the dramatic attack sequence Favorite Garden...
  4. Arcwolf

    What did you name squall and rinoa?

    I usually name the main character my name... >.> Considering the amount of times I've played FFVIII.. Squall - Ian Rinoa - Rinoa or some girl I probably liked..
  5. Arcwolf

    Ok pick your Eidolons

    I like Ark, I guess cause he's the 'last.' My favorite in most final fantasy games, if he/she is there, is Fenrir. I used him a lot with his second ability, the one that you get with Maiden's Tear or whatever.
  6. Arcwolf

    My First Post!

    Why, hello dear people of Final Fantasy Forums (An Unofficial Community to Final Fantasy)! Apparently, I'm new and suppose to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Ian. Now that the hard part's out of the way, I might as well tell you a lil' 'bout me. As Final Fantasy goes.. I tend to enjoy the...