What's Tidus' name?


Invader from the Bottom of the Sea!
Mar 9, 2007
The Sea
I noticed that nobody in Final Fantasy X every said Tidus's name, not even himself. I know they probably did this so that you could change his name, but I think that they should have had it like FF 12 so his name would come up in the dialogue. Do you think it would be funny if none of the characters actually knew what Tidus' name was?
Technically, nobody does know his name from FFX because he never says his name. It's obviously because you're given the option to change his name, and then it'll sound stupid if they're still calling him Tidus all the time.
Incidentally, does anyone use his name in FFX-2? I haven't played that
I've played it but I don't think they said his name in that game either.
I noticed that nobody in Final Fantasy X every said Tidus's name, not even himself. I know they probably did this so that you could change his name, but I think that they should have had it like FF 12 so his name would come up in the dialogue. Do you think it would be funny if none of the characters actually knew what Tidus' name was?
yeah it is becuzz if u change his name like i did but yeah that is kinda unrealistic like that they neva say his name!! but if u have captions on it says his name when he talks && like he u put a dumb name like what they couldn't say it cuz of that but why would he wanna say his name though??

I've played it but I don't think they said his name in that game either.
no all yuna said is that u (instead of his name)or does it just look like u?? thats all she said.
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I just found it funny because no one even asked what his name was. I guess that's the only reason he would want to say his own name.
This a great topic discussion!
Hmmmmm??...I dont know! i have not the slightest idea. I hate how they use everyone elses names but not Tidus'! Maybe theres some kind of point like, if he said it it wouldnt matter because hes only a dream, sumptm like that!
Kingdom Hearts spoiler

young wakka and tidus are in kingdom hearts and wakka says his name in that, but it isn't how i would pronounce it

i know, that in either FFX or FFX-2, they don't say his name, there is actually a discussion on how to even pronounce his name correctly, i don't know, i have an idea, but in X-2 she just says "you" referring to tidus or whatever you renamed the guy. it can be kinda frustrating to me.
They don't say his name at all. He's always referred to as "him" or "you" in X-2. His name is in fact Tidus and actually if you speak to one of the people on your way to the Blitzball tournament in the beginning of the game, they say Tidus, but not outloud, just regular dialogue. In Kingdom Hearts they pronounce it Tee-dous and in Kingdom Hearts II, Selfie pronounces it Tie-dous. So I'm not sure what the proper pronunciation for it is, but his name is Tidus. Just pronounce it how you wish to I suppose.
In X-2

Yuna on the verge of tears: I really miss ... ... ... wait, just what was his name?

Rikku: Don't know, no one ever asked.

They could have at least put his name in the text where there was no voice acting. ;)
What a polite bunch of characters...

I think whatever Tidus was named appears in Blitzball matches. Kinda forgot though, haven't played it in a while. Quick question though, isn't he on a blitzball team in X2... Like the Zanarkand Legends or something? Read that somewhere..
On the 'Beyond Final Fantasy' disk that comes with FFX, you'll note that in the interviews they pronounce Tidus' name as Tee-duss. I personally only ever said Tie-duss. If anything, it sounds more attractive. XD

I don't know why they couldn't just make some sort of trigger, to which that if the player actually kept his name, they'd all say it. Oh well.
Ya know, I never thought about the fact that no one asks him is name, especially those in Spira he runs into. I can see that Auron would already possibly know his name, but Wakka, Yuna, etc... You don't pilgrimage on a great and adventurous journey like they did to defeat Sin and not know Tidus' name. Nice point made to whoever first mentioned this.
I was always curious as to why SE made his name changeable. I would have been happy with Tidus.

I pronounced his name Tie-dus but after KH when Wakka said Tee-dus that kinda stuck and that's how I've been pronouncing it since.
Nice point made to whoever first mentioned this.
It was me!:P

-You would think that Yuna, who was in love with him would say his name at least once.

Yuna at the end of the game: "I love you, um... what was your name again?"
in kilika after sin attacks, some of the aurochs are fixing part of kilika they say dont come any closer tidus (or whatever name u choose)
in kilika after sin attacks, some of the aurochs are fixing part of kilika they say dont come any closer tidus (or whatever name u choose)

This part of the game really made me laugh because some of the Aurochs are banging nails into a ship that has been half submerged in water...I mean, what's the point...it's sunk :P

Anyway, more to the point of this Thread, it's obviously becuse you are given the option to change his name that nobody in the game actually says it aloud I think it would have been better if you didn't get the option then Yuna could remember it better.

And for the record...I pronounce it Tee-dus.
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