What's Tidus' name?

I think Tidus Runegard would be a nice name!:)
For some reason, that just reminds me of Leonhart... *ponders*

As for the topic, I belive when you go to Kilika, one of the Aurochs says "Don't come any closer, it's not quite safe here, Tidus" or something like that. (Sorry, if anyone has already stated this, I'm just too bone idle to view the other pages XD). And I don't know why no one asks Tidus's name... IT'S COMMON CURTESY PEOPLE! You wouldn't bring someone along on your pilgremige (sp?) if you don't even know who they are!!

As for the record, I pronounce Tidus as "Tie-dus" but after seeing the "Behind FFX thing" I sometimes say "Tee-dus"... Personally, I thought it would have been pronounced as "Tie-dus" becuase you have the "tide" sound which represents water and seeing as he's a Blitzball player which involves water, I would have thought that, yeah... *takes a breath*
his name is not really that important. all the characters kno his name even tho they dont say it. when u talk 2 ur friends how often do u use their names? i dont often say their names but they could not obvisouly make the other characters say his name out loud.
Hahaha I really like this thread.

while Zidank does have a point, I think that it was deliberately left like that so people who were really interested in the story could dive deeper and find meanings here and there.

I'm indifferent as to which side to choose. While I originally did think it was because of the actual wording of the voices, but the more i think about it, that would be a pretty poor reason as to make their translation team work that much harder as, they would have to change the sentences to suit it not saying his actual name.

this could have been easily avoided if they didn't allow the player to change his name.

It wouldn't have mattered that much realistically, if you couldn't rename Tidus. Let's be honest
Yea i remeber that and wen u beat the gate gaurdin or wat its called (its on ur way to zanarkend) wen yunas saying her goodbyes abd wen she said " now that leaves my last gaurdien -------" and i was like omg she finally gonna say his name!!!!!! they she said "Star Player of the Zanarkend Abes" i was like -_-"
Doesnt it say in X-2 stuff like "We have to look for Tidus" and "Is Tidus still alive."
changing names

i agree it does suck that they never say tidus name but if they did it and u changed his name it would not make sense on the cutscenes coz on ff7 if u change the names they will call them by that due to the fact that they do not speak on the cutscenes as far as i remember lol:D . 1 more thing i am sure you can change the other charecters names can't u? so then on the cutscenes and stuff that would not make any sense i only ask coz i never changed thier names and i have only played it 1nce.
it must've been hard to make the game's dialouge without ever putting his name in it, I liked being able to name him ourself but maybe in the future make it so the game can say the name we give him.

it must've been hard to make the dialouge without using his name ever, I liked that we could name him ourselves but maybe in the future make the game be able to say the name we give him
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thats true

no one ever said his name once, not even his dad thats funny :P But even in X-2 they referred to him as "you-know-who" so yeah why is his name Tidus? It may as well be "You, new guy" such as Auron called him.
I named my cat after Tidus, and pronounced it ''Tee-duss'' and whenever my sister visits me, she says ''Tidus!? That sounds like--*Something unmentionable*'' So now, she's always calling him that. I should've named him cloud, since Tidus has been horrifically dishonored.
Oh yeah, i didnt notice. I called my pet fish Tidus, I pronounce like this
I used to say "Tie-dus", but then in Kingdom Hearts, Wakka calls him "Tee-dus". So, I changed the pronunciation and I seem to hear it referred to "Tee-dus" more often. It is not like people don't understand either way you say it, but I think Square-Enix should have just said his name ONCE throughout the whole game. It really made me angry as they kept saying "you" or "Jecht's son" haha.
That's one of the weird things in the game.
No one says Tidus' name, that's kinda funny if not even Yuna knew what his name was......:lol:

Imagine their wedding or whatever, or something you have a nametag and his says : *??????a*****
Same as my username, Zen I was going to write Neo but he was too much of a wimp to call him that it didn't sound right for him.
One of the players in the Aurochs says his name in dialogue, saying something about take care Tidus there is fiends in the woods. That is the only bit I am aware of in FFX. But in FFX-2 I think Yuna says I love you Tidus, or Arrigato Tidus, depending on the language... I think.
Oh in KH2 when Kairi was in the Destiny Islands, her friend said "Tidus can't go with me because he's so pumped up in that ball game"! he's name is once again menshioned in Square game ^_^
Oh in KH2 when Kairi was in the Destiny Islands, her friend said "Tidus can't go with me because he's so pumped up in that ball game"! he's name is once again menshioned in Square game ^_^

Apparently, they pronounce it "Tye-dus" in KH but before it was mentioned in the game, James Arnold Taylor confirmed in an interview that it was pronounced "Tee-dus" thus confusing everyone once again. :dry: