What's Tidus' name?

This is probably the only game in which the main character's name is never used. But someone correct me if I'm wrong. Strange how Tidus helped on the pilgrimage a lot and they didn't even bother asking his name. I bet that Yuna would definitely ask his name after they both reunited. Would you be with a guy who you didn't know his name? I certainly wouldn't!
I can understand that they didn't say Tidus' name for the soul point that you can change it, but I think it's silly that they didn't say his name in FF X-2 because they don't even have a reason not to.
*sighs* I'm pretty sure Yuna does know his name. I'm sure they both tell each other their names after they first meet, we just don't know it. They don't ever say his name because of

1. This is the first Final Fantasy that's a voice over and yet they still give the option to change the name.
2. If you changed his name, there are so many different names you can change it to, they couldn't have that voice over say all the names.
3. Tidus's name is mentioned in text a couple of times throughout the game.
I changed all the main characters in 7,8 and 9 River, but not Tidus because his name sounds like tide
Spoilers here fucking deal with it.

In addition to the ability to rename "Tidus," this is a not-unprecedented literary technique to express his alienation. The book, the Invisible Man featured a main character with no expressed name. Tidus, as a character out of place in a new world, having a poor relationship with his parents (who NAMED him), and especially being nothing more than a manifestation of a dream, went nameless throughout the game, and with good reason. Kind of like the main character, "Nameless," from Hero.

First, don't tell people to "fucking deal with it" that's eligible for warning

Also if you look above in your menu, there is an icon to click to add spoiler tags around what you typed. Use those next time. As for his name being Tidus, I've already stated that in a couple of text lines from a random person on the street in Zanarkand at the beginning of the game says his name and I believe Auron also says his name in text once. I'm pretty sure they all know his name and I posted my reasonings as to why Square never had them say it outloud because of the simple fact that this game is a voice over, and they've always given you to option to rename your main character before. There are so many different names you can name your character that Square couldn't have them say his name outloud because of the simple fact that you'd change his name. Also, all of the merchandise, etc...wouldn't be calling him Tidus if his name weren't Tidus. The fact remains that his name is Tidus. Deal with it.
No, he's got a name and it's Tidus. You can name him whatever but it doesn't change the fact that his name is Tidus. You can rename almost everyone in any FF game from the second one up until FFIX. Yes, even the popular FFVII game that everyone whores over.

Oh but wait, does that mean that Cloud doesn't have a real name? No. It's just different in FFX because it was the first FF game to use voice actors.

I still have no real idea what point you were trying to make in your first post...
Whoa whoa, calm down buddy. You've got a point about the type of character Tidus is, though. I've never read The Invisible Man, but it does really fit the theme of Tidus being so out of place and alien in the game world. And I don't remember completely, but I don't recall ever seeing my user-chosen name used in any text conversation lines either, which would obviously be a cinch to implement. There has to be some other reason the developers chose to exclude the character's name - name matter what it is - from the game entirely.

Still, dank, take a chill pill. It's all fun :)
FFX broke with a number of traditions that had been precedented by previous Final Fantasies. You're telling me that they avoided stating Tidus' name in the voiceovers for the entire fucking game simply because they wanted you to be able to name him? No, that's absolutely absurd. That may have been a consideration, but they needed more reason than that to do something so absurd as removing someone's name completely from the game. Had Tidus been a different, stronger character, with a definite place in the present and a definite place in the future, and not just a visiting dream from millenia ago who doesn't understand the world he's in, they could not have pulled that off.

So my point is that there are thematic elements in nearly all of the plot choices of a video game, book, or movie, whether or not you're intelligent enough to take notice of them. You still have no real idea? There's a fucking surprise. Move on with your life.

Warned for continued use of language after I told you to knock it off and you really do need to relax. Have you ever watched the interview with the actual voice over that did the voice for Tidus? He says his name "Tidus" Therefore his name is Tidus, point blank. This is a video game, not The Invisible Man, right? You make a good point, but still, you need to calm down, knock it off with the language, quit snapping at people and relax.
All you have to do is give your damn opinion, and that's it. Make a reply to the thread and move on. I said nothing towards you in a flame manner and I don't appreciate the immature comments you are making towards me. Respect goes both ways buddy; show me some and I'll give it back to you.

Change your attitude or else you will not find yourself a part of this forum for long. Last warning. I like your enthusiasm, but your flaming attitude is not needed nor appreciated.

If you post in this thread again, it better be on topic and have nothing to do with or be aimed at another member or staff here at FFF.
(in a desperate attempt to change the tone of this topic)
I remember noticing this when I played through the game...every now and then Tidus's name would be in the text/subtitles of the game, but they'd just say the sentence with his name excluded. Obviously they all knew his name, Square just tried to make it as easy and convenient as possible for their first game featuring voiceovers.
FFX broke with a number of traditions that had been precedented by previous Final Fantasies. You're telling me that they avoided stating Tidus' name in the voiceovers for the entire fucking game simply because they wanted you to be able to name him? No, that's absolutely absurd. That may have been a consideration, but they needed more reason than that to do something so absurd as removing someone's name completely from the game. Had Tidus been a different, stronger character, with a definite place in the present and a definite place in the future, and not just a visiting dream from millenia ago who doesn't understand the world he's in, they could not have pulled that off.

So my point is that there are thematic elements in nearly all of the plot choices of a video game, book, or movie, whether or not you're intelligent enough to take notice of them. You still have no real idea? There's a fucking surprise. Move on with your life.
I think they did use his name in a little bit of the text dialouge, but you idea does make sense if you use it with X-2 also. This is because in the entire game they don't say his name even though you are not given the choice change his name, so there may be a reason they don't actually use his name.

-but really, though, we should all try to keep this friendly. The only reason I made this thread was because it was a random thought in my head. Try not to get too carried away.^_^

I think you make a good point Zidank, but most people wont catch the symbolism behind everything. Literally, his name is Tidus. I see your point and its a good one. You obviously paid attention to the game. But saying that he has no name is kind of ridiculous cause it's been in previews, its been in reviews, its the default name in the game, and he's also referred to as

KH SPOILERS...sort of, not really

Tidus in Kingdom Hearts. I mean, cmon, Squall is called Leon in Kingdom Hearts, but we all know he is Squall.
It says Tidus on all the official websites, the booklet inside the game box, the voice actor refers to him as Tidus, and it is the freaking default name. I believe his name could possibly be... George?
apparently in 13.. u can put the name in.. and they actually say...

i dunno if you play football games.. but its similar to that..