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  1. Yuna Guado

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Yuna Favorite Male Character: Seymour Favorite Female Character: Yuna. Favorite Boss: Seymour Omnis Favorite Villain:Seymour Favorite Race: Guado Favorite Temple: Bevelle Favorite Area: Besaid Cloister of Trials Favorite Place: Guadosalam Favorite Song/Music: hmm... 'Feel'...
  2. Yuna Guado

    Yuna's Arm

    I have never noticed it. :\ Ahh well it IS veryyy disturbing. Im going replay that scene and see. ^_^
  3. Yuna Guado

    X-2's most touching scene

    Everytime I hear "1000 Words", I get all teary-eyes and I get major goosebumps. I don't know why. It's really touching though. By the way, I hear they are comming out with FF X-3, I searched it. There is no official word, but the SquareEnix people were talking about it. That would be nice ^_^
  4. Yuna Guado

    What's the worst way you got killed?

    Ultima Weapon. Gahhh I made it through the dungeon, just to get freakin wiped out. I'm such a loser. >_< Lol i just went back and whooped his ass :]]]]
  5. Yuna Guado

    Seymour got robbed

    gahhh Yuna with Seymour... that would be the best. BEST. COUPLE. EVER. and your video game idea with them two ruling the world together would be awesome. ((by the way, does anyone know where I can get yuna/sey fanfic?))
  6. Yuna Guado

    Was their Romance too forced?

    Hmm I dont know. I dont really think it was forced, they just fell for each other over time. But ya know I rather yuna/seymour, but Im prob the only one in like a million that thinks so. (( Anybody know where i can get seymour/yuna fanfiction? I cant really find any -_-))