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  1. Ravock Denian

    FFF Back Online

    Don't worry MGSF will be up soon. Josh is taking his time to be complety sure that its complete and ready to be viewed to everyone. Give a few days maybe weeks, it will be done when its done basically.
  2. Ravock Denian

    Is Final Fantasy VII overrated?

    There's no way that this game is over rated. This is one of the best Final Fantasy games ever created in my opinion. This game is so good there's no way you could call it over rated. Now a game that is over rated would be Halo 2. That game was too over rated for me.
  3. Ravock Denian

    FFF Back Online

    Well thats great that the forums are back. Great work Darkblade! This place will be popular like it was before.
  4. Ravock Denian

    Favorite ff x character and why?

    I like Tidus, he is the bomb. He can act like a baby sometimes but on the other half he can be pretty cool.