Favorite ff x character and why?

Mega Deth

Chocobo Breeder
Jul 27, 2006
Harriston Ontario
My Favorite Would Have To Either Tidus Or Auron Auron Because He Is Strong And He's My Personal Favorite And Tidus Because I Think He Reminds Me Of Me Because He's Not So Bright Like Me......LOL.:lol:
Tidus was my favourite character. Although at times he was quite whiny, he had other qualities that made me like him the most. For example, the wedding FMV, it shows Tidus' face when he gets jealous. He expressed his emotion, (also at the end when he cries) and this made him more human. I loved his carefree spirit too ^.^
My favorite character was simply Kimhari and tidus. Because tidus had some really good lines like when he was running into besaid temple and he was all like like I care to the priest lol. Also Kimhari because he just had those moments. like when he was attempting to smile, lol wow.
My favorites are Kimhari and Wakka. Kimarhi because he made me crack up at times, just because he's so stiff but there are those times. And Wakka because of his weapon and well, I just thought he was a cool character. The only thing I didn't like about Wakka is the way he acted towards the Albhed in the begining.
Yuna- Because she was strong willed andnever gave up no matter what happened.
Rikku- Happy go lucky girl! enough said...
Tidus- Who could forget his and Yuna's crazy laugh attack at Luca.

Those are my top three favorite characters.
Seymour. He was very intelligent, and had a very "sunny dark" outlook on things. Such as his claims that death would bring happiness. Aside from how goofy they made him look, he was the perfect villian.
well being a ball does have its moments:P
I also like tidus cause he's fast and enigetic.
(not in pal version though lol)
I like Tidus, he is the bomb. He can act like a baby sometimes but on the other half he can be pretty cool.
My favorite character by far was Auron. And not just because he kicked serious tail. But because throughout the whole game you never knew quite what was up with the guy. He was always a mystery even though he was in your party practically the whole game. And he always seemed to have better knowlegde of the goings on in Spira than any other character.

Aurons the best man has nerves of steel. He could face down a wild chocobo eater and not even flinch.
my favorite i would have to say would be...... tidus and rikku. tidus because he was kinda funny and was not very bright, and rikku because she reminds me =] shes very cheerful and is never boring
Auron is one of my favorite in the game. He would almost always be in my top 3. Always could give a good blow to a creature.
The other would be Rikku, she is always happy and ready for anything.