Search results

  1. Ashelia

    Selphie useless?

    LOL! :rolleyes:
  2. Ashelia

    Hottest Girl

    Edea, followed by Quistis
  3. Ashelia

    Hello :)

    OMG a bump thread? :huh: What is this world coming too...:worried:
  4. Ashelia

    Who's the main character?

    I totally agree with this! ^_^
  5. Ashelia

    Did anybody use Tecknicks?

    I was wondering what is the best gambit for Steal? I have it currently on Enemy HP = there something like a 'do one time' gambit?
  6. Ashelia

    Hello :)

    Hey guys, I just thought i'd say hi! :hiya: Looks like a great forum you've got here, i'm looking forward to checking it all out! ^_^