Who's the main character?

Who's The Main character?

  • Vaan

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • Balthier

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Fran

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Basch

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Ashe

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • Penelo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please Specify in post)

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
i really wished that this time round there'd be no main characters, mostly because my favourite characters in FF are always the ones that get the least attention (this time it was Fran lol).

it'd be great if they just had an actual group where everyone floows the story togwther, each with their own little side stories and backgrounds. to be fair, XII wasnt as bad as X, but that's only because theres far less of a story >_< it's sad really because the characters and story had so much potential.
Ashe, why? Vaan told her himself he follows HER not she follows HIM
Ashe is the princess trying to save her land, Ashe is the one taking most resposibility when it comes to advancing the story...

the only reason Vaan's the official main char is simply because his "start" fits better, seriously, they aren't going to let you start out with Ashe while everybody thinks she's dead...
I'd say Ashe was the main character. ^_^
Balthier and Fran were the life of the cast.
And the story was told through Vaan's perspective.
Also, look at it this way -

Balthier is a notorious sky pirate - do you really see him running alone like Vaan does in towns, when certain gangs are after him? i.e Ba Gamnan
Basch - The guy is a supposed traitor, and would it be logical for someone who is supposedly dead to be wandering around Rabanastre and other places where the Empire walks?
Ashe - wouldn't do her good either to go walking around in Empire ridden areas, would it now? ;D The Marquis would really be in shit right at the beginning XD
Fran and Pennelo - they didn't really have any major reason to be sole main characters in towns and stuff anyway.

So..it makes sense Vaan being the "leader", what with him being the Primary character you start with , and with his connections to Reks.
I dun think that the story is told by Vaan's perspective ( sadly ) ...if you want to see that kind of example...just play ff X.We can only say that he's the main character because the history begins with him, an because of him, all the stuff that comes later happens, but - sadly again - he's just a "leader" but that's all =/

we can make two points of view in this, OUR game.. i mean.. what we are playing like "gamers", and that's when vaan is the main character, and THE game, when we have to consider just the main story, when Ashe is the main character; "what a pity" , like Maechen says u_u
a crybaby princess who wants to play the rude girl? nothx

:lol: :lol: :lol:

my thoughts exactly. she really grated on me, out of all the characters she's my least favourite after basch. her face was really weird and old looking and she just absolutley did my head in. not only that but noth her and vaan had NO personality at all, they were both just so blah.

then again, i suppose main characters are often the most boring and bland so that most of the people buying them'll like them, but i find the more minor playable characters FAR more interesting.
This could go either way I believe. As much as I don't want to admit it, the game makes Ashe seem like more of a main character than any of the rest.

The game starts off with her kingdom under attack, her newly wed husband and her father all killed.
She's the connection between the Occuria and the rest of the world; she's the one they want to use as a pawn.

Vaan and Penelo are superfluous in FFXII. They have very few lines in comparison to the rest of the cast, play no major role in the plot, and have almost no character development (especially Penelo). I would have preferred to have the introduction of the game focus on Ashe rather than Vaan.

I wouldn't think Ashe because if you think about it the women usually take the spotlight. Aeris and Rinoa did but maybe not as much but with Garnet and Yuna being the centre of attention, Ashe could easily follow in this pattern with the supposedly Vaan as the main character or even Balthier and Basch.

There was one final fantasy female who was the first character introduced in the game and was the focus of the plot and the main character: Terra of FFVI

Shes the one that most of the game is focused on and she is in it from the intro to the end except where she not ~lol~
but yah what other ashe supporters say about why .. although i do like her shes cool.
and penelo does have a use! my best mage! ~lol~ all spells she was the first to get all spell licence thne it was ashe the fan the vaan the balthier then bashe of whom was my least fav character
yep. gotta be ashe the whole story is based on her. b ut why is vaan there i mean... he barely says anyfin but hes a good fighter... my best fighter actually
Vayne... or maybe the prince.... i know that the prince is dead and all... but he still had an important role

Vayne... because the bad guys are the best ;-)
I voted for Ashe, the reason being that I see Final Fantasy XII as a similar scope of Final Fantasy X - I'd always seen Yuna as the main character, but the story was through Tidus' eyes. As for this game, I see it as pretty much the same - you play through as Vaan, but Ashe is the main character.

One implication of this is the running gimmick when Ashe is talking and then Vaan interrupts her - she says "Don't interrupt me, Vaan" several times in the game. This indicates to me that, while Vaan is a central character, he is not the main focus of Final Fantasy XII; it is, in fact, Ashe.
I totally agree with this! ^_^
I would have liked to say Vaan because he's the guy you are when running around in towns and whatnot. But I voted for Ashe because I feel the story did revolve around her and her situation. Though it seems there would not evn been a story if it wasn't for Vayne and the empire. Dag I'm confused :blink:.

But I voted for Ashe:dry:
Ashe is to me the main character
you can put her story in 3 chapters
prove that she is from royal blood by finding the......
finding the......to defeat the empire
and stop the war peaceful way after the events of finding the .....to defeat the empire
than you have the rest

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I'll go with Ashe, Basch seems to be taking on a lead role too, between them, Panelo and Vahn seem to have there own story with looks set for the sequel, Revenent Wings on DS.
Ashe, definitely. And Basch seems to have a really big role, too.

I was kind of disappointed that Vaan was the 'main character' in a sense that you controlled him while you walked through a town. I would have liked it if your party leader was the person wandering around the towns and such, that would have been cool. :P