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  1. Kairu

    Why do FFFan's hate this game?

    I loved it. It was the second FF I ever played. I played it for the first time on my Uncles computer and ran to the mall right afterward and bought it.
  2. Kairu

    Looking to buy this game soon...any tips?

    I thought it was a very good game, and I only played it for maybe an hour. Battle system was different but I liked it. The only problem I had was that it seemed to re-use a lot of the FFX Texture maps during game play but the cut scenes were incredible.
  3. Kairu

    I'm getting pretty pissed.

    According to ebay FFVII now goes from $0.01 - $165.00. I got mine for free. All I did was trade off a crappy skateboard for it.
  4. Kairu

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I was angry because I spent a lot of money and time leveling her up. What a waste. At least she died cool though, it kinda made up for it.
  5. Kairu


    Hello everyone, new here obviously. I've been on FF forums for almost 6 or 7 years now but have been kinda off for awhile for FF until recently. So, yeah, what's up?