Looking to buy this game soon...any tips?

  • Thread starter Pagan
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I've been thinking on buying this game. I haven't been very game-purchas-y lately, but this is one I feel like I should try, but I'm reading very varied reviews on it, which comes as a bit of a surprise.

Would you recommend this game to a veteran FF/KH/Suikoden/Chrono player like me? If yes, what are the things you liked about it? If no, what was "wrong" with it?
It's up to you, really. Personally, I'd still buy it no matter what the reviews are. People has their own taste in FF games. I would buy it just because it has the title "Final Fantasy". I'm that much of a fan. ;)

What was wrong with it? Nothing really. For me, it was just okay. I like some of the characters, but the storyline didn't hold my attention as much compared to the earlier series. However, there's no regrets in purchasing the game. It's as addition to my growing collection.
This is a game as to where everyone has a different opinion. =D. I would get it. Especially if you're a veteran player. I say go out and get a copy.
well, lets just say if a love story is what you want in an ff game 12 is not for you

on the other hand if you like ff when they have loads of challenges and mini games its right up your street
take it on rental... don't buy it

i bought it and i really didn't like it, i wish i had rented it back when i bought it...

if you like it, then buy it, but i highly recommend hiring it(because it's so different from any other of those games you may not like it)
Well, Yeah, I agree with Raptorg. =). It's best to rent it first then buy it. The story line is not really good but I am sure the battle system will attract you.
Hmm...I'm not sure where to rent it, but I could look around. And no, I'm not expecting a love story, really. I'm not sure what to expect. I like most of the games I bought, except for Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter...
I actually thought the story was great! The gameplay and battle system are awesome too. The only problem is, the main storyline is a bit short. Other than that... perfection!
Personally I think renting is a bad idea as its going to take at least 3 hours to get a feel for the game.

Is it a good game? Hell, yes, better than any other PS2 game at the moment.

You know what the basics are, 12 just takes a spin on them but in no where near a drastic measure as 10.

Buy it, love it.
I think it's a good game, different from other FFs. At some parts I did want to get the old system back but when I first played it I loved the battle system so much. In the end I'm not able to choose between old and new because they both have their advantages.

Some pos. points imo:
- Characters, FF never did such a good characterjob imo. Altho maybe the main character could have had some changes.
- Hunts
- Skill system (licence board)
- Graphics
- Epic boss battles
- Strategy more important (in previous FF it was just about getting the highest lvl/stats to take on a good boss)
- Status effects now play a big role (in previous FF you couldnt cast slow, silence, blind,... on a boss, prolly cuz if you would be able to the boss would be very easy, in XII bosses will still give you a big fight even when having a status enhancement on them), also postive effects play a bigger role.
- Difficulty level

Some neg. points imo:
- Not enough cutscenes imo, some characters their background could have been cleared up more.
- Monster variety (expect to see 10 different kinds of cockatrices but just having a different colour -_-)
- Summoning practically useless at most points
- Quickening-system ( takes up all yer MP =( )
- Sometimes it gets to monotone, you practicaly do the same all over in some big areas.

All in all a FF-fan should like this game. It's not the best ever but surely not the worst if I had to make my ranking so far with the ones I own:
1) IX
2) VII
3) XII
4) VI
5) X

Dont misunderstand I like all of them even VIII, but rankings have to have a last place ^^.
in my opinion this is the most fun FF to play, maybe even the best game on ps2.... the gameplay will keep you amused for hours and hours, but as far as the story is concerned, its adequate, its just an excuse to go to all the different and beautifull places in the game, yeah the story and atmosphere ruined it for me a bit, it was too serious, the light hearted atmosphere of the ps one FF was missing...also if you know star wars you will realise that most of the characters and story were ripped off-
han, chewie and millenium falcon, pirates/ smuglers- Balthier, Fran and the Strahl?
Ashe, princess leading a rebelion against the empire?-princess Leia?
Vaan, dreams of piloting his own airship and getting out of the desert?-Luke?
Final battle against behemoth?-Death star?
and maybe also the bit where the marquis sells them out to the empire in the sky city of Bhujerba-Lando's betrayal in cloud city?-its uncanny

but anyway this is an immensly enjoyable game, i would recomend it strongly, the only drawback is that it hasnt got the FF spirit the other ones have...
I wouldnt rent it really, as its been said you really need to play for a good few hours before you settle into the gam. Im 19 hours in and Im enjoying it and trust me, Im no where near the tip of the ice berg!
If you love FF games then you should definately get it. Its not the best FF game but certainly not the worst. I think in is better than FF8, FF9, FFX2.
Any FF game is better than FF X-2 lol. But seriously man. This game is high up on my PS2 recomendation list. It is no doubt the best PS2 FF game out there, well..the other ones just suck but yeah. This game is pretty amazing...it has held my attention for hours upon hours...I even the new Patrick Stewart X-play episode which saddened me....so thne i stayed up all night playing the game and watched the show....narrowly missing it because of the game....so yes..t.his game is totally worth getting.
A tip?

Like any major RPG (Dragon Quest, FF, ETC) get the walkthrough or many FAQS from the internet.
I would recomend buying it, but its your opinion. I usually watch videos on youtube or something and see what its like first. If you get it read about the Zodiac spear before you lose it.
The game is long, very very long. So renting it is a bad idea, exactly if you a hardcore gamer. The sidequest alone is enough to keep you playing for hours. I havn't played mine in about to months, but it is very addicted for some.
I thought it was a very good game, and I only played it for maybe an hour. Battle system was different but I liked it. The only problem I had was that it seemed to re-use a lot of the FFX Texture maps during game play but the cut scenes were incredible.
Give the story a chance is what I say. Many people do knock it and call it rotten, but give it a chance.

this game owns dont listen to the fanboys who are mad cuz they dont have thier random battles and emo story lines anymore! this game is a masterpiece, and person who enjoys RPGs and MMORPGs would love this game, the graphics are not the only amazing part, check some of the video's on youtube. and the price tag for it has gone down now too since its been out for a while, buy it. it rocks. less emo story more death and glory!