Looking to buy this game soon...any tips?

  • Thread starter Pagan
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Try to get used to the battle system as soon as possible. Possibly even about Quickenings. As usual, this Final Fantasy game doesn't suck at all. Awesome battle system and IMO, an okay storyline.
Don't skimp out on leveling up. Sometimes I'd be too tempted to continue the story and I'd take advantage of the fact that it's incredibly easy to run away from battles with the new mode of play. But then, when I'd advance the story and come to a dungeon where I was unable to leave (i.e. prisons, airships)... well I'd realize how much I screwed myself over by paying more attention to the story than to gameplay.
If you’re veteran FF fan, I’d say it’s definitely worth the buy. As with any FF title, it’s gonna get mixed reviews. Either way, I’d say get it, play it… and if you don’t like… Sell it… Lol, ya never know, it may become you’re all-time favorite.

The best advice I could give though… Buy the strategy guide.