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  1. Inorganic

    Meaning of names.

    LMAO!!! Man, does that fit like a glove!
  2. Inorganic

    Tifa and Cloud

    I don't think that's true. Cloud's fear of failure is crippling at times, but that does not render him unable to be in a relationship. CoT shows that Cloud is happy being by Tifa's side and feels confident only if she is there. He is the one who initiates things in Case of Tifa. This shows that...
  3. Inorganic

    which Cloud Pairing do you Support???

    And this means what? The genre of fantasy does not seek alienate itself from human emotions or experiences. Lose that and any story will fail. After all, they will be read/seen/played by humans, and unless your audience can relate, they are not going to care. This "Cloud is in a different...
  4. Inorganic

    Meaning of names.

    [/COLOR] Correct on the first, wrong on the second. I know only one website which claims that and it's ran by a Cleris fangirl who thinks everything in FFVII adds to the connection between Cloud and Aeris. Because, you know, FFVII is FFVIII and love is a main theme. :rolleyes: Aerith...
  5. Inorganic

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    Why didn't they corrupt the other people who had them? If the cells corrupted him, then he would have been evil from the very beginning. Sephiroth isn't some cuddly emo kid who just needs a hug. But I do agree that his upbringing probably had a lot to do with the anger he later feels.
  6. Inorganic

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    Innocent people? Are we told that Sephiroth killed women and ate their babies? I must have missed that. I don’t think the story of FFVII gives you any such indication of Sephiroth’s character before the Nibelheim incident.. A soldier isn’t necessarily a murderer, unless you believe that every...