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  1. Busta

    [V7] What are you currently listening to?

    Don’t have the YouTube video linked for it but: My Sacrifice ~ by Creed
  2. Busta

    General FF Discussion Thread

    Perfect Sphere Grid for Final Fantasy X. 😎
  3. Busta

    [V7] What are you currently listening to?

    When I’m Gone - 3 Doors Down
  4. Busta

    Welcome to Birthweek 2022!

    Just want to stop in as an old timer than remembers a thing or 2 about the original Birthweek events back in 2007 and say “hey” to those who remember me. 😎 Glad this is still an annual event!
  5. Busta

    SPOILERS Do you think we will see a return to the medieval Final Fantasy games?

    Man, I sure hope so! I’ve been a die-hard FF fan for the last 20 years now, but these last few installments in the franchise just didn’t cut it for me. Heck, I didn’t even ever finish Final Fantasy 15, and I bought it the week it came out! I believe Final Fantasy XII was the last one I truly...
  6. Busta

    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

    These are the first I’m seeing the trailers and I’m loving them. I’m definitely going to get it when the next generation of consoles release. I have in the last year purchased and played a bit of Assassins Creed Origins and Odessey. Both had awesome backstories that lead back to way before the...
  7. Busta

    TV series you’re currently watching?

    Just finished up 13 Reasons Why a bit ago, which I thought was pretty good and hope they do a Season 4 on. Me and my wife constantly do Grey’s Anatomy re-runs, and we still have to catch up with and finish How to Get Away with Murder which we stopped in season 3.
  8. Busta

    Help Self attack question

    I’d take a whack at my teammates at times too if I wanted my Limit Break to go up faster when they took damage. Most of the time when I do it it’s accidental, but mostly it was to either set them over the edge for their Limit Break or like Prince Oberyn said, to unconfuse your allies.
  9. Busta

    Artpixis Introduction

    Welcome to the site! I needed to welcome a new member, it’s been forever! 😯 African? Do you still live there and if so, which part! It’s always awesome to have members from all over the world!
  10. Busta

    Starting from the beginning...

    I saw your most recent update had you saying you completed Final Fantasy V. How’d you like that one? That to me is the game I think is the most underrated in the series. I played it back in college on the PlayStation 1 when Anthology released. I loved it. I was so glad I was able to get around...
  11. Busta

    Latest FF Purchase Thread

    Buying Final Fantasy VII the original game, on my Xbox One was my latest purchase. I went through a streak where I re-beat FFX, FFXII, and FFIX when they all were released finally for Xbox. So next up is FVII, then FVIII remaster which I purchased too.
  12. Busta

    [VOTING] Christmas Jokes! (2019)

    5, 7, 8, and 9 all were kinda funny, but 5 was the first one I laughed at, so that's the one I voted for.
  13. Busta

    Hello, new here

    Welcome to FFF! Sounds like you'll fit right in and love it here! Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on!
  14. Busta

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    I heard a rumor that it was coming to the Xbox One as a remastered game so I’m gonna download it then and play it. I recently downloaded FFIX when they re-released it on xbox so the FFVIII game will be right up my alley but gonna wait til it’s available on xbox! It’s been 17 years since I’ve...
  15. Busta

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    I’m actually trying to complete Grand Theft Auto 5 on Xbox One. I bought it probably 3 years ago and never got around to competing it. I’m maybe 1/3 of the way through it now, but I’m an Achievement Whore, so it’s been bugging me that I’ve only ever gotten 1 achievement done in the 3 years I’ve...
  16. Busta

    [V6] What are you currently listening to?

    Don’t got the music video for it but listening to: Numb Encore - Jay-Z & Linkin Park A quick pump up throwback song from my college years. 😎
  17. Busta

    New guy here.

    Fan of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy? You’ve found the right place! Welcome to FFF! 😎
  18. Busta

    FFVII Complete Story

    I haven’t beaten or played FFVII since 2002ish time frame. I know when I beat it I kinda flew through the game and was shooting just for the feeling of completion accomplishment. But afterward I went researching the internet to find out more about the game. I feel though that no matter what you...
  19. Busta

    Final Fantasy Games Replayed

    Ive replayed and finished Final Fantasy X a few times. Probably the only FF game I’ve replayed to completion. I’m currently going through FFIX again and almost at end of what would be disc 1, Burmencia. (Playing it on my iPhone) Tried playing FFVI and FFVII a few times but never got very far.
  20. Busta

    FFF Member Career List

    Busta, same username then as is now. Been in the United States Air Force for almost 10 years, and have been working at a Federal Prison for almost 5.