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  1. Kobito

    My hello post...

    Welcome I hope you have fun and get posting.
  2. Kobito


    That sucks man I hope you are going to be okay.I've been watching the fires on the news and it looks pretty bad.:omg::omg::sorry::sad2:
  3. Kobito

    My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age

    I think FF7 is still a good game even though the graphics aren't that good but you have to remember the game was made a while a go.I don't think if they made a remake i would not play it because it's not the same.
  4. Kobito

    Hardest Boss in Gaming

    I can't tell you the hardest boss but I can say the least hardest were the one in Zelda Twilight Princess and the ones in Jade Empire.All the bosses did absolutely nothing>
  5. Kobito

    Conspiracy Theories

    1)I beleive in Alien-Life there is no way we are the onlt humans or any living thing in the solar system.I bet they are all smarter than us too> 2)I think the government is hiding some super technology and alien life forms.
  6. Kobito

    Household Habits

    I don't do the dishes but I do clean off the the table so I'm responsible for the plates but I usually do a good job of cleaning off the plates.I also hate when someone dosen't knock and barges into your room.-_--_--_--_--_-
  7. Kobito


    Hi sorry but I don't have any tip's because I'm kinda new also.
  8. Kobito

    Household Habits

    What I really hate the most is when somebody dosen't close the restroom door after going especially when it stinks.
  9. Kobito


    Yeah I really hate door to door salesman Especially the ones who will not leave even though you have told them to leave a million times.
  10. Kobito

    Future Theories

    I'm pretty sure the world is going to have a huge disease epidemic and people will not be able to get vaccines and they will die off.Then the T-Virus will spread and everyone will come back and kill each other>:D:D
  11. Kobito

    Im new here

    Hi welcome to the Forums I'm new here to I'm still trying to figure it out>:):):)
  12. Kobito

    Hello all

    Welcome to the forums.
  13. Kobito

    The Three to BE

    I always use Tifa and Vincent, I wish I could use cid instead of cloud though
  14. Kobito


    Thanks for welcoming me!!!!
  15. Kobito


    I wanna Join Thanks I needed it!!
  16. Kobito


    Thanks for the potion I needed it low HP.!!!
  17. Kobito


    Hello! I have just joined.How's everybody doing!!!!