Household Habits


The Spiritcaller
Mar 6, 2007
Guarding the gate to The Other Side.
I was originally going to post this in my Neurotically Yours Cult, but I figured more people would rant about this in Costa Del Sol. :P

Mkay, so for those of you who live with other people in the house; What sort of habits do they have that just piss you off?

- Feel free to bitch and rant, just don't flame each other.
- Feel free to put as much detail as you wish. :P
- Don't poke fun at each other for what they have to put up with. It's rude.

I'll post my little bit of misfortune after this thread picks up a bit.
The only things I can think of really are when people don't close the door when they leave a room. My father never does it, and it pisses me off. I don't know why, but I prefer to sit in a room with a closed door.
And also when something gets tidied away needlessly. I almost always know where I've dumped my stuff, so when stuff gets tidied up, it gets lost which makes me a sad panda.
The only things I can think of really are when people don't close the door when they leave a room. My father never does it, and it pisses me off. I don't know why, but I prefer to sit in a room with a closed door.

Same here. I like for my bedroom door to remain closed at all times. And it never fails that someone will come in my room and leave the door open when they leave. It's even worse when I'm trying to sleep. I just cannot sleep with the door open. It drives me nuts. Yet every time someone comes in to grab something or say something to me, they never shut the door. >_<

I also really hate when people don't put the cap on things like toothpaste, juice, lotion, etc. It makes me so mad. It's not that complicated. And if you took the top off, why not put it back on? It's there for a reason. The worst is toothpaste though. First of all, it's in the bathroom. It just strikes me as gross to leave toothpaste open on the bathroom counter. Also, the tube gets all crusty with old toothpaste and it just makes me ill. I've learned to buy my own toothpaste and keep it in my room though. It's easier to ignore that way.
And also when something gets tidied away needlessly. I almost always know where I've dumped my stuff, so when stuff gets tidied up, it gets lost which makes me a sad panda

I can't begin to describe how much that irritates me, my mum used to do that to me all the time - I still have the same problem at work....just because something LOOKS untidy doesn't mean I don't know where anything is grrrrr:mad:
About the door being open thing. Actually it's the opposite in my house. My mom and my dad tend to shut door hard. Especially my dad, he always slams the door as a habit. Bah, it wakes me up in the morning sometimes.

Another habit is my dad keeps all of his mail. (Except for junk mail of course.) Which is good of him but it piles up in our kitchen. We have boxes and boxes of mail. Our dinner table also has a pile of mail on the side. :dry:

Other than one in my house really keeps doors opened, which is good. I like to have my door shut as well.

As for items such as toothpaste caps off. That never happens, my parents are clean freaks.
And also when something gets tidied away needlessly. I almost always know where I've dumped my stuff, so when stuff gets tidied up, it gets lost which makes me a sad panda.
My mum does that all the time. "You never know where things are if you don't tidy them away!" Yes I do!! :mad:

What else annoys me... Erm, well, the double standards. :brooding: My mum will INSIST everyone is TOTALLY silent when she goes to bed, and she often goes to bed between 9pm and 9:30pm. But if I'm tired, or want to lie in, she makes as much noise as she likes! :stare:

Hmm, my dad's not usually irritating but sometimes he bangs his chest like an ape! :wacky: WHEN I want quiet to work, it's annoying. At other times, it's not something that bothers me.

Oh, and I never like to play the piano when my mum's in 'cause she moans when I do, often. :worried:

Also, she sometimes tells me off for eating chocolate. THEN I give up chocolate and she buys me a big bar every week. >_<
- I would have to agree about the whole open door scenario. Me personally, I like keeping the door shut. It keeps the noise from my music/videos/games in here and it keeps out the annoying voices/tv noise from out there.

However, when someone pops in for whatever reason, they never seem to remember to close the door, even when I remind them to. :dry:

- Mkay, there are several issues I have here that deal with the kitchen sink.

Now, I'm responsible for washing the dishes in the morning. So I have to deal with whatever garbage ends up clogging the dish before washing the said dishes.

Such as earlier today; There was so much leftover chicken bits, bay leaves, rice, whatever you call those whole pieces of pepper before you grind them, onions, etc. in the sink that it took five or six fist fulls of the crud just to stop them from clogging the drain. Not to mention, they've probably been soaking in water for a good 8 hours or so.

I mean, come on. What is so hard about scraping your leftovers into the trash? The can is RIGHT THERE by the damned sink! Oh, and whenever we have something messy that consists of a sort of sauce, they never rinse that off, either! So I'm left standing at the sink for an extra ten minutes just so I can scrape off hardened ketchup or whatever was left to crust up on the plate!

What also irks me is when I find disposable plastic cups and plasticware in the sink as well. They are called DISPOSABLE for a reason! Besides, once these things get washed, they still reek of the breath of whoever used it last. It's sickening., I went on ahead and taped a sign of the desired instructions right over the sink, also pointing out what does not belong in the sink.
I don't do the dishes but I do clean off the the table so I'm responsible for the plates but I usually do a good job of cleaning off the plates.I also hate when someone dosen't knock and barges into your room.-_--_--_--_--_-
Let's see...when my husband changes clothes and leaves them on the floor when the laundry basket is a only a few feet away. I hate picking up after people. I don't mind with my daughter since she's only a child...but if it's an adult...ugh.

Then there's the on-going battle with my half-bro. I would clean up the living room and kitchen at night before going upstairs, then come morning and the whole place is a HUGE mess because my half-bro stays up playing online games and needs his midnight snacks. -.-

I also hate it when people leave their dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher. I mean, how hard is it to put a cup in the dishwasher? I hate clutter more than anything.

Then there's also the door issues. It annoys me when they don't close the door because then flies would get in, and it's such a hassle...
I don't do the dishes but I do clean off the the table so I'm responsible for the plates but I usually do a good job of cleaning off the plates.I also hate when someone dosen't knock and barges into your room.-_--_--_--_--_-

Good Job my Arse. I always have to scrape crap off of the dishes. You never fully rinse anything off ya lazy

Well that is one of my most dreaded household habbits, but another is when people spill something like soda or juice and leave it there. Why can't they pick it up instead of letting it sit there and get sticky and nasty, really. Cmon its not that hard to rip a paper towel off of a roll and clean up your mess.

(btw Kobito is my not so adorable little bruddah, 'case ya didn't know ^_^ )
My mom does all sorts of things that piss me off nearly daily (keeping leftovers for nearly a month, not showering regularly, farting really loudly...). I just learn to live with it and try to get her to correct herself.

Also, my dad doesn't always flush the toilet. Nuff said...
I'm glad that there's a thread about this. First of all, I hate sharing a house with other people, period...and second...there is no "negotiation".

I hate:
+ When people don't flush the toilet
+ PEE on the toilet seat
+ When people leave hair in the bath tub/don't rinse it out after use
+ When people deliberately move my things around in the kitchen so that I forget which foods I already bought
+ Deliberate use of products which belong to me (e.g. expensive hair lotion, etc.)
+ Food left in the bedroom/crumbs in the bed (that one goes out to my boyfriend)
+ When dirt is tracked through the house (easily preventable by wiping feet or removing shoes)

There's more, there's more...I'll remember more...