Search results

  1. zestyzack

    KH Favorites and Worsts

    Favorites: Male Character: Leon Female Character: Yuffie Non-Human Male: Jack Skellington Non-Human Female: Ursala Princess: Kairi Boss: Sephiroth Enemy: Pirates World: Hollow Bastion Area: Bizarre Room Keyblade: Oblivion Donald's Weapon: Save the Queen Goofy's Weapon: Save the King Other...
  2. zestyzack

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Wakka Favorite Male Character: Wakka Favorite Female Character: Rikku Favorite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon Favorite Villain: Seymour Favorite Race: Al Bhed Favorite Temple: Baaj Favorite Area: Macalania Forest Favorite Place: Besaid Favorite Song/Music: When Sin is...
  3. zestyzack

    Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

    This was a very hard choice for me because i think both characters have there strengths and drawbacks but in the end Vincent takes the cake Cloud just can't top that kind of speed and Vincent could just shoot him down from a distance.
  4. zestyzack

    Dirge of Cerberus Who's your favorite Tsviet?

    My vote goes to Nero not only did he have a interesting back story but the aspect of his boss battle caught my eye on how he was able to shift through the area and walk upside down.
  5. zestyzack

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character:Reno Favorite Male Character:Reno/Vincent Favorite Female Character:Elena Favorite NPC character:Reno Favorite Weapon:Missing Score Favorite Limit Break:Catastrophe Favorite Victory Dance:Red XIII Favorite Materia:Bolt Favorite Summon:Hades Favorite Magic:Bolt Favorite Random...
  6. zestyzack

    Cutest FF Girl

    I've gotta go with Paine theres just something about her that catches my attention.
  7. zestyzack

    So The Forum Gets Zesty

    school always cuts into my time but if i want to be in graphic design i need to get through it and to Dark Lusi thank you :D
  8. zestyzack

    So The Forum Gets Zesty

    lol well I made 200 in a night on an old forum but I've got school so maybe if i get really bored.
  9. zestyzack

    So The Forum Gets Zesty

    thank you and i guess thats my new goal for tonight and tomorrow.
  10. zestyzack

    So The Forum Gets Zesty

    yeah i kinda thought about that sorry XD
  11. zestyzack

    So The Forum Gets Zesty

    My name is Zack as my user name says and I just decided after a full year or two of jumping over board with a group of friends from "Final Fantasy Forum" because the moderator had excessively harassed them, so i decided to come looking for a new FFF and this was the top site on three different...