So The Forum Gets Zesty


Lord of The Dinosaurs
Feb 22, 2008
My name is Zack as my user name says and I just decided after a full year or two of jumping over board with a group of friends from "Final Fantasy Forum" because the moderator had excessively harassed them, so i decided to come looking for a new FFF and this was the top site on three different search engines, so I did some research and this site seemed to have the nicest community and look period so I decided this was my best bet I hope to soon rise from the lower ranks and become a regular poster and member of this site and I would also like to say to the creator or creators of this site and helpers of making such a site possible, you've done a very nice job and you will be seeing more of me soon. I will be recommending this site to all my friends.
Werd, a llama, hope that's not a drama llama. XD

Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll like it a lot more here.
Indeed Welcome to our humble forum.

Although you may get alot of people ripping you if you keep having freaking monstrous sentences like that again.
Welcome to FFF, I really like to see people like you come in. I like it when new members seem interested. If you need anything just PM me and I'll help with almost anything. Try to get 50+ posts quick so you can play the RPG.
lol well I made 200 in a night on an old forum but I've got school so maybe if i get really bored.
school always cuts into my time but if i want to be in graphic design i need to get through it and to Dark Lusi thank you :D
Hello, welcome and all that ususal shizz......

Your text hurts my eyes :wacky:

Have fun and post lots :monster: