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  1. slayer62

    I need help

    i dont know if this was posted yet but when yuna gets captured while riding the shoopuff and you fight the robot thing with tidus and waaka i keep dieing i usuall cast cheer and hast on both and my weapons are tidus is ice/flame blade and waaka's thunder ball is there a better stratagy
  2. slayer62

    Which Dresspheres for Who?

    For all three i kept Darknight and samurai
  3. slayer62

    Poetry Poems i had written for people i know

    That Sorrow Day A poem to my cousin As I walked into that church on this sorrow day as I see many faces filled with tears as memories ran through there minds of his life on earth as I see him lying there I cant stop my tears. I hope yuo see the lord and prey with angels even though you're...
  4. slayer62

    Who do you think is better Cid or Barrett ?

    Thats a hard question because i liked them both im going to go with cid just because not only was he a great fighter but he made the game funny to
  5. slayer62

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    I really liked it the gambit system was hard to figure out but i loved the story it was very compelling and i really liked the characters even Rex who gets killed right off the bat but none the less great character design
  6. slayer62

    FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?

    There were some parts i did like and it was the combat system just the story ruined it for me
  7. slayer62

    FFX-2 I just beat FFX-2! Here is my review.

    im sorry but i just think the game was a complete waste of time i got for christmas this year beat in a day it was two easy it was just aggravating that 10 was so good and 10-2 was just disappointing the characters were completely changed and pain there was just to much wrong with the idea she...
  8. slayer62


    my name is slayer62 you can call me slayer i have played many ff games but my all time favorite is 7 my passions consist of music my friends and farming and if any of you wish to talk to me just pm me :cloud: