FFX-2 I just beat FFX-2! Here is my review.


May 26, 2007
There were a few threads that were made recently beating a Final Fantasy game. I've created a thread where you can post about your review on the game.

If you have beaten Final Fantasy X-2 for the first time...Please post your Final Fantasy I reviews here.

If you beat Final Fantasy X-2 already and still want to write a review, then go ahead.^_^
Mechanically (and the first Summon battle's music), the game is exelent. If I was to make a RPG I'd be very tempted to buy the engine behind X-2 and all the backend mechanics - then re-do the entire theme into something near-totally black.

The last is there because I find neon horrible, and while it fits the Al-Bhed and their zanyness, but the J-pop theming is completely overdone. (Then again, my tolerances are low.)

Any other review is a piece-of-shit. Oh and somebody shut the girls up during battles! Random talking is bad. Very bad.
Dude are u fucking kiddin me?!!
The game is exelent?!
Dude..It's a piece of crap Rolled in a video game for god's sakes!
They ruined the game..The dress sphere is one of the crapiest idea I've ever saw, the ruined the battle system in it and FFX had the most perfect ending I've ever saw but those fucker blow it away with crapy,stupid and nonsense ending where Yuna is shouting like a gang bang whore "FASTER FASTER".
I played the game once and I'll never play it again.
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I'd have to agree with Dark Squall.

I just want to get a gun, and shoot it too bits.

Sure, the graphics were alright, but, graphics don't make a game. I mean, this game completely killed the perfect ending of FF10.

Ok, sure, it's a great game to perv off, but thats about it, in my opion, complete and utter waste
im sorry but i just think the game was a complete waste of time i got for christmas this year beat in a day it was two easy it was just aggravating that 10 was so good and 10-2 was just disappointing the characters were completely changed and pain there was just to much wrong with the idea she ended up monotoned annoyance
Eh, wow, so many haters of this game.

Don't want to give it a great review now,

But I will anyway. I won't go into detail, because it'll all just get bashed anyway.

But I will say that the 100 level dungeon has pissed me off more than any other side quest/secret in any final fantasy. It was created very well, and I was very impressed. Had to fight Trema a good 30 or 40 times.
i think the game was way too short and the ending could have been better.... too bad tho square enix's first sequal was so horrible.... better luck next time guys! i mean it.
If anything, it's far from perfect. It's not poor though in any respect.

If you're a sucker for romance, you'll probably like the whole Lenne and Shuyin storyline. Which I hated.

If you like drama of the fighting sort, you'd probably enjoy the clashes between New Yevon and the Youth League. Which I liked.

Gameplay wise, things weren't hard whatsoever, unless you did the optional stuff. Via Infinito anyone?

Final boss battle was a joke. Almost as bad as X's final boss. I was at lowish levels, and I don't think I even surpassed level 50.

Because of how some characters bored me, and how some of the storylines in these sidequests irritated me, I really didn't enjoy racking up the %.

I got 90+ in the end though, as I wasn't too fussed about this so called perfect ending.

The dressphere system was awesome, but Garment Grids were too many, and I barely thought about using their so called special abilities.

Sphere Break was average for a game, but not really all that entertaining in general. Blitzball, pah, terrible.
I think X-2 is unnecessary to play. It isn't Final Fantasy XI, after all (if it was, it'd be a serious ff game), so I haven't played it yet... I bought it months ago, though, played for a while and returned it because I didn't like the fact I played only as females. I might buy it again though, just because it's a ff game, and because it looks decent to me- just not exceptionally good.
i love this game its fun to me mainly bcause its the first ff game i've ever had excluding the ones my bother had and it was a girly game and im girl and iwas glad that a female was the main character for once and i also wanted to see if she get to see tidus again
The game have some weaknesses like the repetitive scenarios, mini games are suffocating (that sphere break with Shinra, only an hard core guy in maths can beat it...), flaws in storyline,... However, professional reviews give it 85 score in metacritic (I rather believe them and in my own review).
And I´m sure this was the only and most quickly way to calm down the millions of lovers at that time, and I don´t think that square could do better than this X-2 in a short time... In my opinion, thank Sin that exist a Paine in the game, or else I would suicide myself the first time I played it
it's definitely different from all other final fantasy games which i like because when you feel like playing something different there it is. Although its not my favorite storywise it is very entertaining in gameplay
i liked it becuase it showed a female's perspective and the reason why i liked it so much was becuase it was the first ever final fantasy game i owned
How come loads of people cant beat sphere break... i did it a few times... i agree, first time is hard but if you play the ones before the big tournament you can get a hang outof it by seeing what each coin is worth and so on.... although math is my favourite thing on school :P it shouldnt be all that hard.... and not to forget i was like 14 years old when i did sphere break succesfully so come on keep practising

my review then,
(hold in mind i only played ffx or ffx-2 so commenting about other ff's are better dont realy help because i dont know them)

Only Final Fantasy game i played before this one was ffx, never heared of final fantasy before... got a ps2 multiple years ago(like 5-6 i think) with ffx with it, well i had to say... i was sold immediatly what an awesome game, now back to x-2,

Story line: Well tbh it was average, not bad but not excellent either, i mean the main priority is to find Tidus but what they dont know is they are looking for Shuyin, then they meet 3 different groups... Youth Leaque, New Yevon and i forgot the third one.... sumthing with machina, The Youth Leaque and New Yevon are in great conflict but that third organisation isnt doing anything they arent chosing sides but they arent getting attacked either... that is strange because youth leaque and new yevon both want the be alone rulers and they loathe rules of other organisations... so they must had sumthing against those machina folks.

There might be more but i am going on with Tidus, Tidus appears only in the last scene... if you complete it for 100% or maybe even if you got 90%+ dunnow... i never get passed 90 :P kept hanging arround 80... In the game x-2 they didnt had anything to hold on or to explain how tidus get back.... if you watched the end scene of ffx and even watched the credits(i did it.. and i allmost fell asleep) you saw Tidus appear just like he did on the x-2 end scene... it was the exact same swim...

thats for the story line :)

now gameplay: I liked this gameplay alot, it was refreshing for its time... this time a different turn based game not just a formation that would allways attack in the same order... now it was with time and to re energize, it was fun playing like that and it gave you more tactics. Only thing that i missed was the summonings.... i liked summoning alot but i must admit they couldnt have brought it back after sin got killed...

Then the garment grids, those were awesome, well some of them, most of them scared the hell out of me... i just used the garment grids with the 2 spots all the time for the special dress spheres, sometimes i used others just to experiment but those didnt last long.

The side quests/mini games what so ever... they were fun to do, i liked the level part, i got realy irritated on one level where i couldnt get passed some boss... and a few bosses were realy hard. Then the final boss... it was too easy....the final boss of ffx was 20 times harder maybe more... you could finish him off on a mid level char... Even the first time(or second) you fight seymour on mount gagazet(well dunnow if this was the name but its the place with the ronso) i think he was even harder....

overall from 1/10: 7

I dont got the game now anymore same goes for ffx... i played it last time like 2 years ago then i sold the ps2 with both games to my nephew and bought myself a 360.... The creators of FF made (thank god for that) 2 rpg games for the 360, blue dragon that is a great game if you like the ffx rpg style, ofcourse with some extra features, but the graphics lack on the surroundings.... so thats kinda sad,

their second game is Lost Odyssey, everyone with a 360 and a FF fan should buy this one, by the story line and the graphics this could be ffxIII, gameplay is still old skool but i like old skool rpg :P

Thank god square Enix is finaly turning arround or atleast a bit by releashing FFXIII to the 360 :D i was so happy when i heared that...

Here comes my last offtopic thing,

FFXI, be honoust... that game sucks big time..... if people wanna play mmorpg go play WoW or sumthing.... I dont know for you guys but the reason i kept buying FF games was because of the great story lines and their unique gameplay, FF dont need mmorpg... just stay rpg
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Story-wise this game is a nightmare. Like many people, I think it ruined the ending from FFX. The whole feel of the game fails in comparison to any other FF I've played. I knew from the opening scenes that I was in for SE's take on Charlies Angels from the music to the way the characters were introduced.

I found certain parts of this game to be somewhat of an insult to not only me as a fan but the rest of the FF series. It's like the developers where expecting to slap some revealing outfits on some girls and expect that it would be enough to make the title work. I mean the whole Dress sphere idea reminded me of a barbie collection.

Gameplay-wise the game is okay and although I just bashed the Dress sphere system I must say that it was an interesting system. I did like the battle mechanics aswell, it was a pretty good incarnation of the ATB system. One real problem I had with this game was that it was quite easy EVEN I got bored by the shear easiness and I didn't even use "Cat Nip" (well maybe once or twice :wacky:)

To summarize, this game is really not worth playing in my opinion. While the gameplay is entertaining at first, it gets old pretty quickly and it has a pretty boring story, although I must say I am occasionally a sucker for romance so the ending was satisfiying for me.

I liked it. XD

I hate it at first but I find it Okay now. I'm on a third playthrough, in years, but... I like it. It's a fun game. It's not that serious, it's fast-paced, laidback, got a lot of comic relief in it...

Lenne and Shuyin's story... that never really got anywhere with me but now, I find it enchanting. It's the perfect tragic love story (albeit the similarity to Yuna and Tidus is annoying),
Lenne having to go out and fight (being a summoner, on the front line in the Machina battle
-- I wish FFX-2 revealed more of this Machina War it plays a big part in X and X-2, well, it explains a lot of things.)
Shuyin wanting to save her, but both of them die in the process, in eachothers arms.
- Tragic, but it adds an essence of tragic romance to the game and it works nice, I believe. Relating back to the end of FFX, of course.

I found the main story, ok. But you do think "Seriously Yuna do you think Tidus is still in Spira?" We all saw he dissapeared towards the end, but ok, she can have little faith I suppose. But I like how it branches off, though Yuna saving the world again was rather forseen, but they tried to distract us from that it was meant to happen by having even the characters saying, "You're not out of your old ways", covering up the cliche story.

The new characters, they add their own spice to the story but I could not help see an Auron reference in Nooj's character! Anyways, Nooj, Baralai and Gippal, I'll be honest, I did not predict their side of the story at all.
LeBlanc, I absolutely loved her. :3 A new face, a new personality and type of person. It was refreshing! I loved her behaviour and her character, provided a lot of comic relief at times.
(LeBlanc)Where's Vegnagun? (Rikku?)Not here. (LeBlanc)Oh, must've fled in terror knowing I was coming!

Onto gameplay.
Faster. Better. Exciting.
I way prefered the flexibility of the gameplay this time round. It was more open, quick, fast... it got your nerves going when you needed to get an action out quick. Made it more exciting, I enjoyed fighting battles a lot. Although changing dressphers (I kept the same default dresspheres through the whole game, maxed them out...) I didn't quite understand, I think they were there for fancy frills. =P But yeah, gameplay, miles better. Preferred it.

simply amazing. Doesn't beat FFX but I liked the change. Thunderplains especially, first aeon battle and the singing in the temples to mention a few.

Overall design,
Fresh, slightly better but kept to it's old ways so for FFX players it was all familiar.

One thing,
Lulu was
pregnant though the whole thing, I didn't even see a bump!

#Fresh, new.
#A change.
#Still familiar
#Was good for what it was.
Gameplay: 8/10

i must say i was very surprised at how good the gameplay was. the time based is back also with the job system. sum of the jobs r very fun to play and discover while others r jus plain boring (madcot and dancer)

Graphics: 8.5/10

very good graphics, pretty much the exact same as FF 10. theres a new main character named paine while Rikku and yuna hav total make overs. the only problem i had was that they used the same graphics and monsters and backrounds as ff 10. the bigger monsters also seem weaker.

Story: 7.5/10

From the beginning, i couldnt wait to play threw and see the ending, but between the beginnijng and ending was a whole lot of boredom. u also could get 3 endings one is the normal (which i got) the other is perfect (if u complete 100% of the game) and the last is bad (lose to final boss). Its a real hassle to get 100%

music: 8/10

its really good, has a new modern feel to it.

overall 8.3/10

Not the best FF game but a good effort for the first sequel to a ff game.
I absolutely loved the game, the endings and the shuyin-Lenne story dissapointed me, but the job changing style, garment grids,active time battle and special dresspheres were awesome! although i dont think im gonna get the lady luck dressphere nor the mascot dressphere (which are the ones i liked the most) i loved this game and i think its great, the storyline was bad but whatever its still an awesome game!
I just completed the game and fighting vegnagun was the easiest boss on the entire game and it only took 30 minutes to beat including shuyin. The aeons where the hardest to verse but the main good thing is the dresspheres. In my opinion it is a good game because of exploring the areas and it is easier to learn abilities without the sphere grid.
I LOVED this game.. Have played it several times and still find more to like about it.. The ending between Yuna and Tidus was nicely wrapped up.. The game has infinite replay value, I have yet to defeat all the optional bosses.. It has a great story with great characters.. I thought, for the most part, the Garment Grid was great.. Some were a little ridiculous I admit..

As with most of FF's games I though Spherebreak silly but then I found Blitzball downright evil! :P I don't think FF ever came up with such a foul game to play in the history of FF..

I'm on FF13 right now and though I don't like the upgrading system for weapons at all, at least I don't have to play that damn Blitzball! :kelly: