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    Demonsbane problems: bridge won't raise.

    Okay, so I kicked that walls ass, then I went to touch the crystal. When I touched it nothing happened. WTF? Last time I played through I had this problem too, but I don't remember how I got around it.
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    Where do you 'train'?

    I think the best part to do it if you're earlier in the game is the part where all those crappy judge guys are coming at you and the alarm is going off. Just set your attacks and healing to be automatic and you'll be good to let it go for the night! What's that place called, I'm about to start...
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    RECORD SETTERS: How many consecutive quickennings

    Well the title says it all. How many quickennings have you used in a row? When I played I got around 15 in a row near the end of the game. I used Vaan, Ashe, Basch. All of their quickennings were unlocked. I know there are others out there getting pff... like 1000(needles). :D Post your...
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    Crisis Core Crisis Core Paranoia

    Well I've slowly worked my way through the game, being VERY careful. Now I've got another problem. I'm infiltrating that snow base (the one where you lose an item if you're caught). I'm apparently bad at video games because I've got caught every time. I can't go on without knowing what's in the...
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    FFVII The Complete Story

    Is there an actual hard copy novelization out there somewhere? I searched eBay and all I said we dirty pictures of Tifa. PFFfff. They're huge, but the anime-porn is one thing I'm just not into! :P
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    Crisis Core Crisis Core Paranoia

    That's good to know. I have the Tonberry, so I'll look up the Cactuar. I don't know what those 7 Wonders are so I'll do the same for that. EDIT Nevermind. I can't Google how to get the Cactuar. Searches yield no answers. HELP? EnD EdiT (CONFLICT RESOLVED) I also have some Mysterious Bucket...
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    Crisis Core battle system love it or hate it??

    Does the level up chances become greater with more EXP, or whatever it is, raises? Makes sense to me. Even so, I hate not knowing when I level up. ACTIVATING COMBAT MODE makes me play with the sound off during missions. That and the helicopter overdrive. I'M TRYING, I'M TRYING!!! Last...
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    Crisis Core Crisis Core Paranoia

    I started the game earlier, and I'm so paranoid at what to do. Thanks FFXII i.e. the Zodiac Spear. Is there anything I should NOT do for an item, cut-scene, or addition characters. (all I've done are the missions in menu, so I don't know if there are more party members. I saw phoenix downs so I...