Where do you 'train'?

i train in the ceriobi steepe whatever it is called...seriously though u honestly dont need to train thta much if u ust want to finish the game....the end is so easy...really unsatisfying really compared to the other parts in the game which are more difficult i finshed the game and i was about level 55 all round lol not very impressive... but yeah the henne mines is good but difficult!!! u have to have more than 10 espers to get to the 'secret place' and talk to the garif opposite the garif vendor/seller dude lol!
ummmm rapanastra west gate chain dustia i got up to lev 30 in like a day as in like 6 hours typ in youtube chain dustia u should find sumthing der on where to go ^_^
I personally did that tactic where you go to the secret area in The Henne Mines and you have to kill all those bats.

In about 1 hr i had like a 100 and sum thing chain and about 5 lvl ups.
I think the best part to do it if you're earlier in the game is the part where all those crappy judge guys are coming at you and the alarm is going off. Just set your attacks and healing to be automatic and you'll be good to let it go for the night!

What's that place called, I'm about to start over and I don't remember.

I got a 1oo+ chain there. Got some weird items too.
Zertinan Cavern or the monsters in Henne Mines when you are in your way to get the esper Zodiark.
I train the rusting chapel at Golmore jungle on the Skelingtons that appear when all ther monsters have been kiled.

I wear a doulble exp on my main part and a golden amulut on my reserve party
normally at the moment i either train at the Ridorina Catoract (sp) or inside the great crystal but it normally is the first choice as it takes forever to find monsters in the crystal that are actually worth killing, also i am currently taking part (well trying to) in killing the humbaba mistant, Fury and then go on to collect Chaos in the Nabudos medallion side quest but that aint going as i first planned
For me particularlly my favorite training area(s) are the pharos ( not the maze area, but rather in the lower levels) the maze area with the chicken things and horse watchamacallits are ok until you reach like....40's or so. once there then the lower areas r much better fr training. what i did wen i first began training was i completely OD'd on my party with powerups. giving haste, protect, shell, bubble, to all, and bezerk and bravery to one or two of em. along with the embroidded tippet it becomes a pertty good training ground :)

PS: if you've been able to defeat the mark in the bottom of the pharos with no problem, then the monsters there shouldn't b very hard.
Golmore Jungle. Yes, that sounds pretty dumb, I know. But if you beat every monster in the area where you head to the forest (what was it's name again? I forget it every day...), Zombies or Skelletons or whatever they are, appear. They got about 900-1000 Exp each and are easily beaten. If you duplicate the exp it's about 2000 each.
I think I got about 1 level every five or ten minutes. I was level 40-50 then. For me, it works. And it's not complicated at all. And you can eat something while you do that (for levelling up I always put the gambits on even for the leader); you just have to walk around. ^^
I went from Ozmone Plains at lower levels (good exp and good loot from common drops) to Tchita Uplands, which is a lower level version of Cerobi, IMO. Now, at high 60s, I train in Cerobi Steppe, or that hellhole Necrohol when I need something in there. I did gain a fair bit in the Pharos farming Corpse Flies for the Whale Whisker, but Cerobi and Necrohol are better.
I trained in Tchita arount lev. 60 by giving a Deathbringer to one person (one in the party, rest in reserve) and walking around with an Embroidered tippet, 1HKO-ing the Malboro Overkings. That's about 3,000 XP per Malboro.
I still think Zertinan Caverns are the best so far when you are low level around 30 but when you go up higher I would say Henne Mines on your way to Zodiark
Where in the Caverns? Killing Shambling Corpses is another way to train. Just bring along plenty of Phoenix Down for fast kills.
It isn't ideal to train in the Pharos, considering the lack of orange save crystals and whatnot.


You are kidding right? There's an orange crystal in the first room, then just go to the lift and travel down to Umbra, Penumbra or Abyssal. You don't even have to move from where you get off the elevator. All the monsters will come to you, just cut them all down, wait a few minutes for respawns and repeat. Then, if you need to, just turn around and go back up to the first floor to use the save crystal. Easy as that.

Anyways, I use what I just said aswell as Necrohol of Nabeus and the Nabudis Deadlands, Great Crystal & Henne Mines. Equip my main three characters with Embroided Tippet's (set gambits for bubble) and equip the guys not fighting with Golden Amulets (double LP) then when someone levels up, I switch them with someone else, so my party tends to stay either at the same level each, or 1 level ahead/behind others.
I also use that to train, but I'm careful not to stay down too long or the Abaddons will eat me for lunch.
Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabreus Deadlands also work well, but the Baknamy in the Necrohol swarm me until I cut them down with Blizaga.
lhusu mines though its a pain in the ass when you run indo disma...
i dont really focus on training much i just like doing all the sidequests and stuff my characters are around level 75.
I've read a lot about this embroided ticket, where do I get it? Currently, I haven't stepped foot into the Golmore or Gilmore jungle, whatever it is and my chars are level 38-39, which from what i've read seems like an above average level - at least where I'm at in the game.
I've read a lot about this embroided ticket, where do I get it? Currently, I haven't stepped foot into the Golmore or Gilmore jungle, whatever it is and my chars are level 38-39, which from what i've read seems like an above average level - at least where I'm at in the game.

You get one as a reward from a hunt (can't remember which one) or you can buy them in Old Archades. You could try stealing from Coeurls Tchita Uplands aswell, but could take a while to get one, so make sure you have thief cuffs!