Where do you 'train'?

Just out of curiousity did anyone else try mobbing wayyyyyy early in the game like I did? I forget what it was called but where you had to fight hordes of guards after rescuing Ashe from the cell and you could chain the guards and such forever once you set off the alarm and run back to save/heal at the jail cells whenever you need. I spent a few hours there and got like an easy 10 or so levels which for me made running through the game pretty easy. I got 3 lvl 84+ chars and still havent found a boss I can't handle.

Does that not take the challenge out of the game?
I think I trained in that Cave you find in Osmone Plains, Zaran??? somthing like that
I hae recently arrived at the paramina Rift and have discovered that back in the Golomore jungle the Panthers give quite good experience and you can make quite a high chain of them, they also give out a Quite valuable loot sold for like 450Gil each, but this could change as you get better weaponry and what not.
Panthers do give good loot, which can be sold at high prices. But that method is only useful at Lv 20+ which is quite low.
I trained in pharos in the sub levels:cool:. Then i collected all the espers i missed i think it was chaos and exodus, then i trained in crystal grande and got ultima. The last place i trained was in henne mines for zodiac. IMO instead of training just do marks it will net you a great deal of exp, and also when you collect items for tournesol and such. I never had any difficulty in the game bosses except for the elite marks(was that they called it?). I trained up to level 85 and i killed Yiazmat, after that I stopped playing the game. I started to monitor the fight when my characters only dealt a maximum of 4999 or was it 5999...
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Justice said:
then i trained in crystal grande and got ultima

That did seem like a really good place to train, but... I hated it. I just couldn't make myself go back. I still haven't gone back, so I don't have all of the Espers. I keep telling myself that I will one day.
I have two saves.. In other one I trained in the Henne mines and in other I'm using the power leveling -method.
My favorite place to train is Giruvegan. I trained Fran up to Level 99, Balthiier to 81 and Bach to 80 there :)
There is a spot in the Henne mines with a TON of bats, so I would kill them, go two areas away, come back, and kill them again. After you do it for awhile, you level up a lot. That's where I got most of my experience from. The other place I trained was the Pharos. You can get some really good drops and there is never a shortage of monsters.
^ What? That rare monster near the start of the game? Why bother power leveling? The game only starts to get 'difficult' around the Lv 23+ zone.

However, that is the best way to level early on in the game, for whatever reason.
I train in several places
1: Henne Mines Phase 2 Dig
2: The Pharos At Ridorana
3: Giruvegans Great Cyrstal (Deeper parts)
4: Cerobi Steppe (reserve characters)
5: Feywood (depending on how far in the game i am)
6: The abyss (Pharos basement)

I need help leveling up in this game.

I am at level 35 with all characters, right after defeating
Mateus in the stilshring of miriam, and before the death
of the Kiltias or wetnot.

what do you suggest i go level up?
Right now I go and train at Phon Coast, but there are these big birds that get on my nerves (hey that rhymes!) I sometimes go to the Salika Wood or Tchita Uplands. I plan to go someplace else once I reach level 40
There should be a place coming up soon called the Tchita Uplands. In there you should find this merchant that sells an "embroidment tricket" or something similar to that name. Buy them and equip them to the characters you are training. Now you will learn double exp and most of the monsters there give you about 2000 exp so double that. 4000 exp a kill. That's what i did to level up easily and quicker.
^ where exactly is this merchant because i've been through the whole uplands now, and I can't seem to find him/her
^ where exactly is this merchant because i've been through the whole uplands now, and I can't seem to find him/her

There is no merchant that sells them in the Uplands, only old Archades. You can steal embroided tippets from the Couerls in the uplands. Make sure to equip theif cuffs.
I've been training in the Ogir Yensa sandsea (I think), killing those little vegetable things... I forgot what they're called.

Anyway I did that to get Succulent Fruits, but that's where I've been training recently.