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  1. F

    Replace a word from a FF quote.

    "No one touches my princess!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impertinent fools." "No one touches my penis!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impotent fools."
  2. F

    Hardest GF To Obtain

    Probably Cactuar, that twat wouldn't stop running away.
  3. F

    Favorite FF Sidegame

    Either Blitzball, triple triad, or chocobo racing/breeding. Triple triad probably consumed most of my time, but the satasfaction of beating Teio or whatever he was called in the chocobo racing square was fantastic. I used to love how he was always better than you, yet you could always beat him.
  4. F

    What was the lowest level(s) you beat the game with?

    The first time I completed it I was in my 50's. Then I decided to to a 100% Excalibur game by following a walkthrough online. You have to complete the game at level 1 to do this.
  5. F

    Favourite part of the game

    Probably the cutscene where Cleyra gets destroyed. That's probably the first time I realised how good the graphics were. Hmmm, methinks I will have to replay it sometime.
  6. F

    FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?

    It took me awhile to get into it, but it did eventually grow on me. I have to say though, Rikku's script made me cry tears of pain at some parts in the story. People who have spent time saving the world from Sin wouldn't dance around shouting "poopie".
  7. F

    Final Fantasy Dreams!

    I've had a dream where I was talking to someone, then suddenly when I turned away he sort of turned into Biggs when I turned back. Seemed normal at the time, but when I woke up I thought it was strange. Apparently this happens to everyone. I had one with a tonberry aswell but I can't remember it.
  8. F

    Who do you think is better Cid or Barrett ?

    Barret all the way. Think about it guys, he had a gun on his arm that never ran out of ammo. Cid was pretty cool though, but neither were as good as Red XIII.