Who do you think is better Cid or Barrett ?

for me its probably barret, not just for his funny expleited scenes but for his quck limit growth. for some reason whenever i play the game cid a;ways take ages to get a higher limit level, whereas barret gets his alot quicker. this was the only reason why i chose barrett, it was a tough call!
Well all the times I played FFVII I played with Cid, so that's my choice, not that I have anything against Barret.
Definitel Cid. He's a dragoon! :P
Besides, Barret's got a dumb gun thingy on his arm, because of which I don't like him anyway...
Cid, Barret is funny as a big black angry man but Cid is just as bad , if not badder than he was when he was younger. He is a man of legacy and strength. He is an old regular, still functional bad ass !
it's a really hard choice but... i'd have to go with Barret he's just badass he has a gun for a hand how COOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cid... He is just... bad ass and doesn't care how reckless he is. that is awesome :) especially for me when I was like 7 amd started playing FFVII with my older brothers and was like COOL!!! lol
Cid was a great comic relief in the game. I always laugh at his "hick" accent. But...I think the deeper, more developed character is Barret. Cid has a thick past behind him, but Barret's is more emotional; and that's touching. ^.^

I mean...
everything that he went through in North Corel...he lost his wife and his home to ShinRa...and...I think it's very admirable that he's raising Dyne's daughter.
I'm not sure who I like better out of the two, nor am I sure who is considered 'better' in terms of fighting.

At first when I got Cid in my party I used him a lot because of his personaily and swearing and all that jazz, but Barret's a vital core of who the main party is and how he's involved in Cloud's life. He's got more of a background than Cid, so I use them both interchangably.
Barret all the way. Think about it guys, he had a gun on his arm that never ran out of ammo.

Cid was pretty cool though, but neither were as good as Red XIII.
Cid because he doesnt need to shoot the monsters from a distance, he can just run up and shove his bad ass lance right into their left eye. Thats right the left eye, not the right but the left. Why? because he's left handed. j/k
I tend to use Cid a lot more when I'm wanting to master some materia (specifically, Mime). I just stick them in his Scimitar and head to Mideel.
Personally for me I think Cid is better. I never really used Barrett as I thought he was terrible in battle, kinda feel the same way about him as I do Vincent. Cid always made me laugh, no matter what was going on he would never falter in being funny. Sure Barrett was funny and had a gun on his arm. However that doesnt matter for me.
Cid hands down for me
Barret. He's funny, friendly, and black! In AC it showed his new tattoo an it's deadly! :elmo:
well, barrett has that "tough black comrade" look, but he keeps saying "Marlene" in every dialogue he gets old fast. even in battles his limit "Catastrophe" doesn't come close to Cid's "Highwind"

don't really like Cid in FF7, since he's such an asshole to his aide, but when he cancelled the rocket for her, i think that was his saving grace.

So I'll pick cid. although not by a big margin