Search results

  1. Kay

    Who looks sexier?

    Rikku indeed... Paine is also hot but I'll go with Rikku. She's super hot.
  2. Kay

    Dirge of Cerberus A new FF7 movie involving Genesis?

    DAH! I forgot about that! Thanks.
  3. Kay

    Dirge of Cerberus A new FF7 movie involving Genesis?

    Well, since the secret ending for DoC featured a new character, Genesis, anyone think there may be a movie or a game that involves Genesis in it? Maybe perhaps have Cloud as the main character (unless that's too much of him) as Genesis' attire is a (at least similar to) SOLDIER attire.
  4. Kay

    Which voices do you prefer? Japanese or English?

    Well, which language do you prefer when playing FF games? Japanese or English? I personally prefer the Japanese voices, they're more original. What about you?
  5. Kay

    Hi, everyone!

    Hi, everyone! I actually registered several days ago but never got around posting. So here I am and hope to enjoy my stay. :cool: