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  1. WerezTidus!

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    I loved it because of the battle system, it was something new, beating the crap out of the old Runescape style attack and wait to die thing.. Also Seeing Frans ass occasionally cheered me up.
  2. WerezTidus!


    Heya guys, im in a bit of a pickle here. I dunno where to train! :P Heres my team : Vaan lv 30, Balthier lv 20, Fran lv 25, Basch lv 25, Ashe lv 26, Penelo lv 15 and Larsa lv 27(Guest) my main party consists of Vaan, Basch and Ashe, but i alternate between Basch and Fran sometimes. Anyways, i...
  3. WerezTidus!

    If Reks was the main character...

    I think it'd be a good idea because we wouldn't have to see Vaan's retarded face any more. Plus, it would have been pretty cool to see Rex's story unfold before he died or whatever. But, the downside to this is no Balthier, Fran or Penelo.
  4. WerezTidus!


    Hey forum-ers :P It's WerezTidus, i hope to get to know all of you well and yeah! -Ciao,Tidus