If Reks was the main character...

Blue Link

Red Mage
Jan 24, 2008
Do you think the game would've been any better if Reks lived and was the main character of FFXII? The story, imo, would have been much more interesting. I don't know how it'd turn out, but at least we wouldn't have to deal with Vaan saying something irrelevant or stupid. "I'd say things like, 'I want to be a sky pirate'..." :ffs:

But it would've been much better, I think. What do you guys think?
It would have gotten rid of Penelo, which is an advantage, but I doubt it would have made any real difference.
I don't see the point - Rek's death was kinda like a major point of the storyline. Changing it would mean changing a lot of things. TOO MUCH messing about.
Not sure what difference it would make really, although like Frylock says, there'd be no Penelo, although she was my white mage so dunno who I'd use to replace her :gasp:

Although he might have been better than Vaan, which wouldn't take all that much tbh.....storywise, had he survived, I think it would have been exactly the same except he'd probably be after revenge or something rather than wanting to be a sky pirate....*shrugs*
The story would change, yes. The plot would be less political, and it would be interesting to see how Reks interacts with Basch. Sure he will hate him, but he'll find out the truth eventually. Not like with Vaan, who believed Basch way too quickly for my liking. Also, what would his relationship with Ashe be like? I'm not saying they should have done it this way, just thinking of the possibilities.
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I think he'd be less of a douchebag than Steiner. Besides, there's nothing funny about FFXII unless you thought Al-Cid's accent was funny.
I think it'd be a good idea because we wouldn't have to see Vaan's retarded face any more. Plus, it would have been pretty cool to see Rex's story unfold before he died or whatever. But, the downside to this is no Balthier, Fran or Penelo.
But if Reks were to join the party instead of Penelo there wouldn't be an equal number of guys and girls.

3 girls (Ashe, Fran, Penelo)
3 guys (Basch, Vaan, Balthier)
I don't think it would have been a good move on SE's part, as when you think about it the reason Vaan hates the Empire is because his brother dies in the war, (althought he thinks it's Basch until he gets informed of Noah) and when he finds out it was Gabranth that killed his brother it just adds to his hatred of the empire
Lots of people hate the empire. What makes Vaan special? If you think about it, if Reks had lived and found out about Gabranth then he too would grow hatred toward the empire.

WerezTidus! said:
But the downside to this is no Balthier, Fran or Penelo.

Since Balthier and Fran are just tagging along in the original, I think they'd find a way to write them in. Penelo, though, is really no big loss.
i dunno but i wish dat vaan died insted of reks and u play as reks cause ders a couple of things i dont like about vaan.....
to tell the truth i dont think if reks had lived it would have made a difference to the game it would jsut be like playing with 2 vanns on the team, because unless they were both completely different like a warrior and a theif, but at the end of the game vann is like a warrior anywhay so reks being on the team it would be the same relli, so i dont like the idea of reks stayin alive
letting Reks live would kind of make things interesting. But I don't think he would be great in the main character position. maybe have him as just a guest character that shows up again part way through the story. something like he was on his own trying to uncover some conspiracy or something.
It would be cool if he was there. Like if they got rid of a character like Penolo? perhaps?

But in FFXII there is no real main character as you see Vaan is practially along for the ride. Plus Balthier is the leading man -__-.
Frankly, Square really wasted a good potential character by killing off Reks. I found him to be much more compelling than Vaan, in terms of character (that is, what little characterization of Reks we see) as well as visual design.
Reks was way cooler than Vaan, Square enix designed the best characters in the game to be killed at the start of the game (Rasler and Reks), It would have been better if Reks stayed alive and you play with him instead of Vaan.
I never thought about that before. Oo But you're right. I even wondered why I was playing Reks at the beginning. (My thoughts were like: "Eh? Wasn't the protagonist's name Vaan?" xD)
Well, the conflict between Reks and Basch would've been interesting to see. Though I doubt that Reks would be the real protagonist. Even if he were to play, Balthier always is the hero. (He even proclaims to be the "hero of the story". -.- And - sadly - I must admit: He is.)
Reks would be a decent Guest character against the Undying battle. And Balthier isn't the leading man. He's just the dude who shoots out witty quotes and sits in the back, pumping enemies full of Dark Shot. Vaan is the real main character- he wants revenge against the Empire for killing the only family he had left.
They didn't develop Reks as much in the beginning for it to make a difference to me. And Reks is used to develop Vaan's character. Therefore, I'm glad he's secondary, because everything works out that way. If he were the main character, nothing would be the same... then it's not FFXII anymore... it's some other game.