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  1. Takeshi Nagakura

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    No they are great. I really like the roughish look of both of them :) Gratz on ur talent
  2. Takeshi Nagakura

    The Holy Trinity

    Are you Talking about them knowing the same things?
  3. Takeshi Nagakura

    XBox GoW2 vs Halo 3

    Lol well Lost Planet is wayyyy worse then Halo hands down!:outtahere:.Halo storyline is at best ok, but the multiplayer is awesome:P
  4. Takeshi Nagakura

    The Holy Trinity

    Chirstans (before Jesus was born) believed that god was one being and it shows this in the old testament. Then when you start reading the new testament it starts to show that God is not the Father,Son, and the Holy Spirit but rather three seperate beings. Mark 15:34 And at the ninth hour Jesus...
  5. Takeshi Nagakura

    XBox GoW2 vs Halo 3

    Ya true cause when you think of Xbox you think of Halo. GoW is a great game! The new one looks fantastic, but you cant beat Halo.
  6. Takeshi Nagakura

    The Holy Trinity

    The Trinity is a Christiandoctrine, stating that God exists as three persons, or in the Greek hypostases, but is one being. The persons are understood to exist as God the Father, God the Son (incarnate as Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of the third century the...
  7. Takeshi Nagakura

    XBox GoW2 vs Halo 3

    So its been said Gears of War 2 is going to *Beat* Halo 3 this year in sales. I think Halo made Xbox wat it is...what do yal think?
  8. Takeshi Nagakura

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    Well first of all want to say you do a great job with sigs and avi. So i was wondering if ya could make one for me :) This is for the sig. I dont care the color or way you make it but if you could please add my name in...
  9. Takeshi Nagakura

    Hello :)

    Hiya. Mine name is Joshua and im new to this FF. Ok well a little about myself. Im 17 and live in South Dakota.My pasion (Besides Gamin,FF,anima,Ect.) is Wrestling! Ive been wrestling for 14 years now. Ok well thats about it hope to see yall around:)