
  1. Gingerbread Lesbian

    More Final Fantasy XIII Scans via Famitsu

    Courtesy of VJump, more Final Fantasy XIII scans have been released into the public, whilst mainly focusing on Oerba Yun Fang and her summon, Bahamut, there are also images of Sazh and his summon Brunhilde as well as screenshots of environments in which Final Fantasy XIII will take place...
  2. Gingerbread Lesbian

    New Final Fantasy XIII VJump Scans

    New scans have been released through VJump of Final Fantasy XIII, mainly concerning the newly revealed character, Oerba Yun Fang. She is seen in several screenshots displaying her role in battles, which is a clear confirmation that she will be playable character, as well as having Bahamut as a...
  3. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep New V Jump Scans! Neverland + Dwarf Woodland

    Snow White’s world is called “Dwarf Woodland” which features the castle where Snow White lives and the cottage where the seven dwarfs live. There are screenshots of Ven in the forest encouraging a frightened Snow White who’s received the poisoned apple from the witch. There is another screenshot...
  4. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Introducing baby Sazh!

    A scan from tomorrow's issue of Famitsu has been leaked and it reveals none other than Sazh's son, who was previously mentioned during Gamescom. True to reports, the boy has an afro rivalling his father's and is cute to boot. Preliminary translations are suggesting his name to be Dodge...
  5. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Birth by Sleep gameplay details from new Famitsu

    Courtesy of KHInsider: The pages below for detailed information on the new Command-based battle system, and the three protagonists' unique Commands. Unique co-operative moves with other characters are back, and several new techniques are revealed! Source: KHInsider
  6. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Introducing Jill Nabato

    V-Jump, who named Yaag in their latest issue are ready to reveal the name of another Final Fantasy XIII character. This time it's the glasses wearing, long haired woman who appears in the latest trailers. V-Jump will be doing a feature on her in their new issue but they've already revealed that...
  7. Gingerbread Lesbian

    New 358/2 Days Famitsu Scans!

    Some new scans from the recent issue of Famitsu have surfaced, showing a ton of new screens for Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. In the scans, we are shown more details on the recently confirmed Neverland world, and it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of the world than we did in the first...
  8. Gingerbread Lesbian

    New Final Fantasy XIII Scans

    RPGamer has posted up new Final Fantasy XIII Famitsu scans. The scans focus on Team Nora, their designs and natures. - In the scene where Snow's struggling on the wreckage's rubble, he becomes separated from the rest of the Noras and end up in the area where Lighting and Sazh is - The Noras...
  9. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Kingdom Hearts : 358/2 Days comes back in new scans

    After a looooooong break in KH news, screenshots, scans etc. Courtesy of V-Jump, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days has reappeared with 3 new scans. :gmonster: Source: allgamesbeta
  10. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Dragon Quest IX new screenshots

    Square Enix has released some new screenshots of Dragon Quest IX : Protectors of the Starry Sky for the Nintendo DS. The game is set to release on March 2009 in Japan. Source: Gamekyo.
  11. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Star Ocean 4 Magazine Scans

    Courtesy of Famitsu and Gamekyo, new scans have been released revealing a new cat character which will playable in the game. The scans also show some stunning screenshots. Source: Gamekyo. Source: Famitsu.
  12. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time Scans

    More scans courtesy of Gamekyo show the upcoming title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time Scans, the scans are seemingly showing the game gameplay, battle gameplay and also the menu system. :) Source: Gamekyo.
  13. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Dragon Quest IX Scans.

    The latest scans of Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky show the interface of the game in general when not in battle, and it looks like a fairly nice game if I do say so myself. :monster: Source: Gamekyo.
  14. Gingerbread Lesbian

    New 358/2 Days Famitsu Scans

    SCENE ONE Only the three Roxas, Axel, and Xion are together having a conversation on Destiny Island beside the Paopu tree. Xion seems to be confiding her troubles to Axel and Roxas. Somehow she seems different then the two of them...? "In sadness, eagerly wishing for genuine feelings." "The...
  15. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Dissidia Ex-Burst Scans.

    Something about EXburst characters in Dissidia...or some shizz. :wacky: Translators are crap on FF7AC so I'll let someone else make out the scans. :monster: Source: FF7AC Reunion.