
  1. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [15/07] New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screens

    Famitsu.com has posted some of the screenshots that appeared in this week's Final Fantasy XIII feature in Weekly Famitsu. Have a look at the pics, along with translations of the site's captions, below. A few of the screens are Japanese versions of the screens Square Enix USA shared earlier in...
  2. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [13/07] Play Over 50 Songs In Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy

    Theatrythm: Final Fantasy isn’t too far off; Square Enix will release the game in Japan this winter, and according to Japanese retail blog, Sinobi, revealed to Famitsu that it will have over 50 songs spanning the original Final Fantasy to Final Fantasy XIII. Earlier, we reported that...
  3. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [13/07] It’s Not Here Yet, But Parasite Eve II Is Coming To PSN In North America

    Europe already has Parasite Eve II on their PlayStation Store. What about North America? Square Enix plan to bring Aya’s survival horror style sequel here too. The ESRB re-rated Parasite Eve II for PSP and PlayStation 3 with Sony Computer Entertainment as the publisher. That means the game is...
  4. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [13/07] Theatrhythm Final Fantasy's Rhythm Gameplay Detailed

    For our first solid details on Theatrhythm Final Fantasy's rhythm gameplay, we turn to Dengeki PlayStation. Yes, it's a PlayStation magazine, but they'll occasionally cover high profile games on non-Sony platforms. This week's issue has one page devoted to the 3DS title. According to the...
  5. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [13/07] Final Fantasy Type-0 Gets its First Soundtrack

    Final Fantasy Type-0 doesn't have a release date yet. But it does have its first soundtrack! This five track soundtrack is being released at the Square Enix Odaiba Expo 2011 event. Set to take place from July 16 through August 31 at Fuji TV in Odaiba, the event will mark Type-0's playable...
  6. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [13/07] Final Fantasy XIII-2 Play Chance Coming Soon

    A recent comment from Tetsuya Nomura regarding Final Fantasy XIII-2 has some players excited about the possibility of an early play opportunity. In an interview in this week's Famitsu (summed up at Sokuho), Nomura said that he believes players will have a chance to try out the game soon. The...
  7. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [04/04] FFXIV: Square Enix should have stepped in earlier, subscription-free period to continue

    Square Enix’s Naoki Yoshida has gently criticised the publisher for not stepping in earlier to avoid the train wreck of Final Fantasy XIV’s launch. “Seeing it from, well, being on another project, you could see that they were having a very hard time,” the newly incumbent FFXIV producer told...
  8. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [04/04] Final Fantasy V Is Headed To Game Archives In Japan

    We haven’t had any PSOne Classics on the PlayStation Store in a couple of weeks, but Square Enix are still pouring content out in Japan. Next up on the schedule is Final Fantasy V. Square Enix producer, Shinji Hashimoto, tweeted the news just a while ago. Final Fantasy V will hit Game Archives...
  9. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [28/03] Moon Diver Demo Rises For PlayStation Network

    We’ve mentioned Moon Diver, Kouichi Yotsui’s multiplayer ninja game, a couple of times on Siliconera. You know, the game that Yotsui says is serious business in single player mode. He doesn’t want players to escape with their lives. If that sounds a tad too hard give Moon Diver a test dive...
  10. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [24/03] Final Fantasy III arrives on App Store, is fantastically expensive

    Square Enix’s decidedly non-iPhone RPG is now available on the App Store – at a decidedly non-iPhone price. After pegging the game with a cryptic “this month” release date earlier, er, this month, Square Enix has finally seen fit to bring Final Fantasy III to the App Store. This, of course, is...
  11. Linnaete

    [22/03] Final Fantasy XI, XIV Restart on Friday

    Like many online game operators, Square Enix took Final Fantasy XI and XIV offline following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Today, the company announced that service on the two titles, along with Play Online, will restart on March 25 (Friday) at 20:00 (Japan time). The reason service...
  12. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [21/03] Legend of Mana Hits PlayStation Network This Week

    That was quick! Last week, Square Enix said that Legend of Mana would be released as a PSOne Classic sometime “soon,” but we didn’t expect to see it this week. The game will be up on PlayStation Network this Tuesday. In case you missed the news, Parasite Eve II is on its way to PSN, too. We...
  13. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [20/03] Gun Loco Art Director Comments on Cancelation

    Yuki Kawawa reveals that he left Square Enix back in February. Gun Loco was officially cancelled on Friday. But it looks like the game's development came to a halt some time before that. On the day of the cancellation, art director Yuki Kawawa revealed via his Twitter that he'd left Square...
  14. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [20/03] Deus Ex: Human Revolution video shows “multi-path, multi-solution gameplay”

    A video featuring various in-game Xbox 360 footage of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and narrated by the game’s narrative designer Mary DeMarle has popped up online. In it, the “multi-path, multi-solution gameplay,” is featured along with the game’s first level. Combat, stealth, social and hacking...
  15. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [18/03] Square Enix cans Gun Loco

    First unveiled at Gamescom, Gun Loco was one of Square Enix’s riskier games. Defined as a sprint action shooter, Gun Loco had players run, slide, and shoot each other. The game was set on a prison planet with wacky inmates and used plastic models as the base for the character models. A playable...
  16. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [17/03] Final Fantasy XIV Producer Offers Insight Into The Game’s Development Status

    Current Final Fantasy XIV producer-cum-director, Naoki Yoshida, took over the post in December 2010, as part of a major shake-up to the game’s entire development team. A fan of games such as Diablo, Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, Yoshida compares MMORPGs to theme parks. Following the...
  17. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [17/03] SQUARE ENIX GROUP Support for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Efforts

    Tokyo, Japan (March 16, 2011) – Square Enix Group (the Group) today announced that, following Tohoku Pacific Earthquakes and Tsunami, the Group will donate 100 million Japanese yen to help relief and recovery efforts in the affected regions. Additionally, the Group will collect charity donations...
  18. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [17/03] Square plans second Canadian studio for next-gen consoles

    According to a La Presse Affaires report, Square Enix is to set up a second Canadian development studio for work on next generation consoles. The new Canadian studio will “probably” open in 2012, and, according to La Presse, “its employees will work on large-scale games for new generations of...
  19. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [16/03] Soon, PlayStation Network Will Tell A Legend of Mana

    Square Enix have had a monopoly over the PSOne Classics section on PlayStation Network of late, and they don’t appear to be slowing down. This week saw the release of Parasite Eve, following which we reported that Parasite Eve II was headed to PSN soon, too. Now, we can report that Legend of...
  20. Gingerbread Lesbian

    [15/03] Parasite Eve II Mutates For PSN Re-Release

    Following Parasite Eve, which comes out on PlayStation Network today, Square Enix will release Parasite Eve II as a digital download. Parasite Eve II changes locations and takes place in Los Angeles where Aya is part of MIST – that’s short for Mitochondrial Investigation and Suppression Team...