
  1. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Yoichi Wada on Final Fantasy XIV, 3D Games, and Social Networks [5/18]

    Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada's comment about a possible multiplatform release for Final Fantasy Versus XIII is likely to melt message boards throughout the world. But, as detailed at Impress Watch, Wada spoke about a lot more than just that during Square Enix's investors briefing today in...
  2. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Square Enix Plans On Strengthening Intellectual Properties [5/18]

    One of Square Enix’s goals for continued growth is to strengthen their own intellectual properties. With the acquisition of Edios Square Enix has a ton of them. This slide lists some key IPs for the publisher. Square Enix franchises are in blue, Eidos titles are in orange, and Taito’s...
  3. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Final Fantasy XIII Topped 5.5 Million Units Last Year [5/18]

    Square Enix has shared supplementary information on its 2009 earnings coinciding with its annual investors meeting that was held today in Tokyo. You can see the the PDF in English and Japanese at Square Enix's investor relations page, but here are a few notable points. In its earnings...
  4. Gingerbread Lesbian

    The Latest Square Enix Trademark Is Warrior Of Light And Darkness [5/18]

    We’re swimming in a sea of trademarks from Square Enix and the latest one is Hikari to Yami no Senshi or Warrior of Light and Darkness in English. I don’t think Square Enix would release a game just called Warrior of Light and Darkness so I’m going to guess this is a subtitle. But, what...
  5. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Square Enix Sees Highest Earnings Since Merger [5/18]

    That trio of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts is a rare occurrence, but when it happens, Square Enix seems to post some impressive results. This year, fueled by Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy XIII and two Kingdom Hearts titles, Square Enix saw its highest sales and operating...
  6. moogling

    Ready For A Square Enix Mindjack?

    Remember Mindhack? It’s one of those unaccounted for Square Enix trademarks we discovered. Whatever Mindhack is it either has an alternate name or a related game called Mindjack. Square Enix also filed a trademark for Mindjack in Europe. I’m leaning towards another game since the Mindjack...
  7. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Final Fantasy XIII Falls Off The April NPD [5/15]

    Selling over a 1.3 million units in its release month of March, Final Fantasy XIII is no where to be seen in the April 2010 NPD charts. Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell: Conviction took the top spot, moving 486.1K units. Odd, we know. I’d assume a Final Fantasy title can move a few hundred...
  8. Gingerbread Lesbian

    BioWare: "Final Fantasy XIII is not an RPG" [5/14]

    In a recent interview, BioWare writing director Daniel Erickson addressed his opinion on Final Fantasy XIII, saying that he does not believe it qualifies as a proper role-playing game. “Well, before I address the main point [on Final Fantasy XIII] I just want to take a slightly more...
  9. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Square Enix Preparing A Chocobo Panic? [5/14]

    Square Enix has been awfully quiet about future releases, but a chocobo may have slipped out of the stable. Literally. A trademark for Chocobo Panic was filed in Europe by Square Enix. Bastien from French Final Fantasy fan site FFring kindly tipped us about this. Siliconera did a little...
  10. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Take a Break With Square Enix Twitter Master Shinji Hashimoto [5/14]

    You've probably been enjoying all of Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto's Tweets over the past few months. Now here's your chance to meet the man for a "cafe break." Square Enix will be holding a super limited private event called Square Enix Cafe Break. This event will take place at...
  11. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Nier Replicant DLC Adds Waves Of Smiley Bullet Hell [5/13]

    Square Enix updated Nier Replicant owners with details about their DLC pack. For the most part, it sounds the same as the content in North America right now. So, this wild scene of Nier weaving through a seas of smiley faces is probably in The World of Recycled Vessel. One key difference...
  12. moogling

    Square Enix's Hills and Rivers Still Remain

    Square Enix kicked off sales today for Hills and Rivers Remain 2. The game is available for play on iMode phones series 903i/703i and up. Square Enix kicked off sales today for Hills and Rivers Remain 2. The game is available for play on iMode phones series 903i/703i and up. The original...
  13. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Rumor: Valkyrie Profile 3 is a PS3 exclusive [5/7]

    Rumor has it that Square Enix’s RPG Valkyrie Profile 3 is no longer going to be a multiplatform release, but instead will hit PS3 exclusively. More is expected to be revealed prior to its E3 debut at the Sony presentation, possibly up to two weeks before the event, reports D’toid...
  14. moogling

    Square Enix’s “Project X” will “blow your socks off”

    Last month, Square Enix PR Sonia Im mentioned working on an unannounced game from the publisher that will “shock” you. Today, Square Enix producer David Hoffman mentions a Square Enix game known as “Project X”, and hints at it being a collaboration between Square Enix and an unlikely...
  15. moogling

    RayStorm HD On PS3? Maybe In the Future, Says Square Enix

    Today, RayStorm HD makes its worldwide debut on the Xbox 360. Tomorrow, it lands on PlayStation 3, but only in Japan. Why? We brought that question to Square Enix, but haven’t received an answer yet. So, we turn to Twitter where Rootbeerking (a Siliconera commenter?) pinged one of Square...
  16. moogling

    Is Mindhack Another Unannounced Square Enix Game?

    Sure looks like it! Square Enix recently trademarked Mindhack in Europe for use with video games, jigsaw puzzles, and inflatable toys. Just guessing here, but Square Enix’s primary business is video games so we’re going with the first option. Also related are a bunch of web registrations...
  17. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Chocobo’s Crystal Tower Trademarked, Probably A New Square Enix Game [4/21]

    This year, Square Enix’s lineup feels light with only Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Front Mission Evolved, and Nier from their Japan offices. Sure, there are some Edios titles like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but their localization division must be working on something other than The 4...
  18. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Battlestations dev Eidos Hungary shut down last year, says Square Enix [4/20]

    Square Enix Europe CEO Phil Rogers has confirmed that it shut down the developer of the Battlestations series Eidos Hungary. Speaking in an interview with Develop, he admitted the call to shut down the studio was made in October. “We took the decision back in October,” said Rogers, “and...
  19. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Square Enix: DLC is ‘a must’ for our games [4/15]

    Digital content is now “a massive part of” Square Enix Europe’s remit, says the group’s CEO Phil Rogers. In an interview with Develop, the publishing boss said his company has turned a new leaf in regards to online strategies. “How we offer content to consumers via digital download is very...
  20. Gingerbread Lesbian

    Square Enix working on “shocking” unannounced game [4/15]

    Because everything that happens on Twitter is news nowadays, it’s come to our attention that Square Enix is working a new unannounced game – one that is said to “shock” and “stoke” when it’s revealed. “Oh and working on stuff for an unannounced game,” Square Enix PR Sonia Im wrote in a...