[01/02] Buy FFXIII-2 at Amazon, get $20 gift card

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"Memories of your past can be forgotten, but
Dec 2, 2009
Ohri Jin
FFXIV Server
Wed, Feb 01, 2012 | 09:30 GMT
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Buy FFXIII-2 at Amazon, get $20 gift card

Amazon’s offer prospective buyers of Final Fantasy XIII-2 a little incentive with their offer. Those who pick up the RPG from the retailer’s US portal will get a $20 gift card, as well as a digitalised version of the mini-strategy guide of the game.
FFXIII-2′s out now in the US and out Friday in the UK for PS3 and 360. Via Thrifty Nerd, Joystiq.

1 Posted in: PS3, RPG, Square Enix, Xbox 360
Tags: FFXIII-2, Final Fantasy XIII-2

Source - http://www.vg247.com/2012/02/01/buy-ffxiii-2-at-amazon-get-20-gift-card/
Hah, FFXIII-2 is so awful that Amazon are partially paying people to buy it from them :lew:

That's actually a pretty good offer, though. Although it'd make more sense for them to just sell the game for $20 less, but I suppose they're not allowed to do that for a few weeks yet :hmmm:
Hah, FFXIII-2 is so awful that Amazon are partially paying people to buy it from them :lew:

Y'mean: FFXIII-2 is being called awful by so many ignorant people who haven't tried the game yet that they are promoting it more.
A bad reputation, bad prequel or even one or two bad reviews does not make a game bad.

Anyways, you lucky Americans! That discount could buy you another game at the same time :(
Y'mean: FFXIII-2 is being called awful by so many ignorant people who haven't tried the game yet that they are promoting it more.
A bad reputation, bad prequel or even one or two bad reviews does not make a game bad.

Anyways, you lucky Americans! That discount could buy you another game at the same time :(

Tootoria Helmold/Martel will still loathe XIII-2 (except Caius) even after playing the game. I firmly believe that :sup:
Tootoria Helmold/Martel will still loathe XIII-2 (except Caius) even after playing the game. I firmly believe that :sup:

:) Maybe. It still doesn't make it a bad game though. I always find opinions that are said with too much force or perhaps unintended bluntness are being stated as fact. It makes things a wee bit annoying and confusing :gonk:
Is this actually news? This isn't the first or last time Amazon will do this... just saying...

I mean video games are mainstream now and everyone wants you to buy them from their store... I mean Amazon just is making a good deal out of a seller.
Ok I dont care if I am pseudo-modding or whatever.
First of all dont post things which has nothing to do with this article.
Secondly this is news because you also get

-> Those who pick up the RPG from the retailer’s US portal will get a $20 gift card, as well as a digitalised version of the mini-strategy guide of the game.

I thought that was interesting.
As I have said before, I never explicitly state any of my opinions are fact, so if you think I am doing so, that is your problem, not mine. I'm not going to censor myself for anyone's sake. I'm blunt. Deal with it. God knows I have to deal with all this optimism, so I think the least people could do is suffer my endless criticism. But hey, I have an old-fashioned live and let live policy I suppose most people these days don't follow. Ah well.

On topic. I suppose running out of DLC codes makes sense, although that is a huge oversight. But the DLC can't seriously be worth 20 dollars...
If the Lightning Battle is any indication, the DLC value for omega should be $5 or less. I have not heard of Amazon running out of codes.

I'm hoping I can still get Omega for myself as I pre-ordered for physical items.
As I have said before, I never explicitly state any of my opinions are fact, so if you think I am doing so, that is your problem, not mine. I'm not going to censor myself for anyone's sake. I'm blunt. Deal with it. God knows I have to deal with all this optimism, so I think the least people could do is suffer my endless criticism. But hey, I have an old-fashioned live and let live policy I suppose most people these days don't follow. Ah well.

On topic. I suppose running out of DLC codes makes sense, although that is a huge oversight. But the DLC can't seriously be worth 20 dollars...

Wow, you have a harsh way with words. Optimism is always a good thing...constant negative thoughts lead to suicidal thoughts...according to some crack pot I read about. The fact that you say you have to "deal with" optimism really does nothing for bringing peoples' spirits up, which is what people want when they visit a welcoming community such as this seems to be.

Anyways, like Shace says, Amazon has done this a few times before. They've done it with Battlefield 3 and some others. It's common business practice to get as many customers as possible, even if it means making a small loss on each sale. Not sure how they do it, but I'm guessing that no one's complaining about it :p
Wow, you have a harsh way with words. Optimism is always a good thing...constant negative thoughts lead to suicidal thoughts...according to some crack pot I read about. The fact that you say you have to "deal with" optimism really does nothing for bringing peoples' spirits up, which is what people want when they visit a welcoming community such as this seems to be.
Suicidal thoughts? :rofl:

Well, I don't know about that, but it takes all kinds. The simple truth of it is that like everyone else, I am simply expressing my viewpoint. I just have a different way of doing it. I can respect other people's right to say what they will, and I would hope I was due the same courtesy. Certainly, I've had no issues with anyone on here, beyond the occasional quickly resolved quarrel, due to a misunderstanding or a disagreement or whatever, and I haven't been told by any of the staff here that I'm not allowed to express my views. There are always going to be opinions in life you disagree with, or people you don't like, or whatever. I happen to have a lot of views like that, but that's just how I am.

Seeing all this (unfounded, at least from my perspective) optimism doesn't really bring MY spirits up; it works both ways. You want to silence my criticism simply because you don't like it? It's just an opinion. A lot of people share my viewpoints. A lot don't. The latter are more vocal, because they visit the news section more often and many take offense at my comments (One stalks me, but we'll not mention him. xD) but...well, that isn't my problem. I can't control how people react to my opinion, and I won't censor myself. Why should I? Nobody censors themselves for me. A welcoming community, as you put it, promotes discussion and a wide variety of opinions. I'm not attacking anyone, and I don't deliberately start arguments: I only post in a thread once, unless I'm called up about something...and even then, only if I can be bothered to defend my viewpoint. As am I doing now, because I don't appreciate people telling me, personally, to stop being critical, simply because they don't like it. Especially when I'm not the only critical person on this site; just the most vocal.


Anyways, back on topic...god knows where I was going with that. Anyways, if Amazon have done this before, I suppose that pretty much confirms it...although it'd be nice if Amazon in this country would do stuff like that. They can't even be bothered to stock special editions half the time...
Suicidal thoughts? :rofl:

Well, I don't know about that, but it takes all kinds. The simple truth of it is that like everyone else, I am simply expressing my viewpoint. I just have a different way of doing it. I can respect other people's right to say what they will, and I would hope I was due the same courtesy. Certainly, I've had no issues with anyone on here, beyond the occasional quickly resolved quarrel, due to a misunderstanding or a disagreement or whatever, and I haven't been told by any of the staff here that I'm not allowed to express my views. There are always going to be opinions in life you disagree with, or people you don't like, or whatever. I happen to have a lot of views like that, but that's just how I am.

Seeing all this (unfounded, at least from my perspective) optimism doesn't really bring MY spirits up; it works both ways. You want to silence my criticism simply because you don't like it? It's just an opinion. A lot of people share my viewpoints. A lot don't. The latter are more vocal, because they visit the news section more often and many take offense at my comments (One stalks me, but we'll not mention him. xD) but...well, that isn't my problem. I can't control how people react to my opinion, and I won't censor myself. Why should I? Nobody censors themselves for me. A welcoming community, as you put it, promotes discussion and a wide variety of opinions. I'm not attacking anyone, and I don't deliberately start arguments: I only post in a thread once, unless I'm called up about something...and even then, only if I can be bothered to defend my viewpoint. As am I doing now, because I don't appreciate people telling me, personally, to stop being critical, simply because they don't like it. Especially when I'm not the only critical person on this site; just the most vocal.


Anyways, back on topic...god knows where I was going with that. Anyways, if Amazon have done this before, I suppose that pretty much confirms it...although it'd be nice if Amazon in this country would do stuff like that. They can't even be bothered to stock special editions half the time...

* Learns to take Tootoria's words with a pinch of salt...or whatever the saying is :D * ...Sorry, I never meant any offence anywhere. I guess I'm being annoying for being overly suggestive :(

I reckon if the UK had these sorts of offers (as I'm guessing you are from?), we'd get something like a fiver off. It's the offer I see the most in Game and places like that the most anyway.

Well, what do us brits get in the limited edition? *takes a look* ... actually, Game and gameplay have both run out special edition copies already. Shockingly bad.

Maybe our dlc will be cheaper to compensate for the lack of offers or something? Doubtful...but I'll remain hopeful lol.
* Learns to take Tootoria's words with a pinch of salt...or whatever the saying is :D * ...Sorry, I never meant any offence anywhere. I guess I'm being annoying for being overly suggestive :(
No offence taken. I just wanted to get my point across, I'm not even remotely annoyed by it. It's nothing to get upset about~

I reckon if the UK had these sorts of offers (as I'm guessing you are from?), we'd get something like a fiver off. It's the offer I see the most in Game and places like that the most anyway.
Mhm. GAME usually have trade-in offers in-store, so I suppose that would be our equivalent. A bit disheartening, since it's always new titles I don't want to trade in yet if I have, but...eh. I guess it's the thought that counts.

Well, what do us brits get in the limited edition? *takes a look* ... actually, Game and gameplay have both run out special edition copies already. Shockingly bad.
We get...the novella, a soundtrack sample, a steelbook case, and the Omega DLC. I think there might be some art cards in it as well. I forget. But I do know they aren't stocking the Crystal Edition in stores. It's only £10 more than the standard, and given the exchange rate, I suppose $20 isn't TOO far off the mark as to what it is actually worth...a little bit less, maybe. Although I still find it very hard to believe...

Maybe our dlc will be cheaper to compensate for the lack of offers or something? Doubtful...but I'll remain hopeful lol.
I doubt it somehow...the prices between regions are often exactly the same in terms of the number, and the exchange rate being what it is means we're paying considerably more...well, I think it's around $1.60 to £1 at the moment, but that really adds up, and will add up when you consider the plans they've got for the DLC...although I'll not be buying any of this. xD
As I have said before, I never explicitly state any of my opinions are fact, so if you think I am doing so, that is your problem, not mine. I'm not going to censor myself for anyone's sake. I'm blunt. Deal with it. God knows I have to deal with all this optimism, so I think the least people could do is suffer my endless criticism. But hey, I have an old-fashioned live and let live policy I suppose most people these days don't follow. Ah well.

On topic. I suppose running out of DLC codes makes sense, although that is a huge oversight. But the DLC can't seriously be worth 20 dollars...

I could careless about your opinion, like you careless about my opinion, but sorry to say I find many people DERAILING topics that have nothing to do with what you think about the game. This is not a discussion of who likes it or not.

This is something I have noticed from reading many topics...they go off topic because people complain about the game in the wrong topic.
I could careless about your opinion, like you careless about my opinion, but sorry to say I find many people DERAILING topics that have nothing to do with what you think about the game. This is not a discussion of who likes it or not.

This is something I have noticed from reading many topics...they go off topic because people complain about the game in the wrong topic.
Don't care? Don't bloody quote me and tell me so. Honestly, you do realise that you're being a hypocrite by continuing it, right? It's hardly my fault that people take exception to my views and "derail" topics, as you so overdramatically put it. There is nothing wrong with discussing news, and I have yet to see a news thread where we've been told to stop discussions if we're on topic and civil about it.

There is no "wrong topic" to complain. I'm perfectly entitled to criticise the news, and nor am I the only one who does so. Don't like it? You know where the ignore button is. I suggest you use it, instead of calling me out every single time I say something you don't like. God knows I don't need another person stalking me and calling me out every single time.
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