1,000,000 Post Thread #1


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 10, 2006
lol no i'm not a huge fan or promoter of spam, but I set this up on my forum and it's driving the members nuts, because no matter how much they try to post in it, it always feels like they will never reach that goal which they probably won't... at least not for a longggg time hahah :eek:

Anyways, I believe that a spam forum is good, it keeps the rest of the community clean of it, so vent, get all those spammy ideas out of your head and post here or start up your own forum game. This thread can be used for absolutely anything and everything, you can have general chats in here with people, mess around, play games, do what ever you want. You will see a lot of topic changes, unless someone comes up with a topic good enough that'll keep everyone busy for some time.

My forum's 1,000,000 Post thread has a total of 1,098 Posts, it took some time to get to that point, so lets see how long it takes to get to that number or higher. :cool:

Also, please avoid the super super spammy posts such as

"lk;asjd;fk" or "lol"

single word posts, unless someone starts up a mini game within this thread, but make sure the post can be read clearly and understood
FFForums will be alive for eternal as long as we do our job and advertise the site like hell!

And talking about ACF, most of the board and the users are full-time spammers. Just take a moment and view their General and Gaming sections.
Yeah besides I don't even see many FF discussion going on there so I sense that ACF could die at any moment lol.
Oh deary me, must we think ACF only survives FF discussion? No, there is a lot of other stuff that people take part in.
I rarely go in FF discussion, because most of the time, there's nothing new to discuss. I'm in Clubs more then anything, GC and Spam.


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Interesting thread idea but to reach that goal you will need a lot of members nad a lot of time.
Good luck, though I suppose I will try and help out I have nothing better to do anyway.

ACF does still oocasionaly have some good discussions though true not many these days even I ran out of ideas such a shame.
We ran out of ideas because we've discussed everything under the sun. Granted, there's still an infinite number of things that can be expressed. We just have to find them. Don't lose hope if you wish to reach one million.
I used to frequent Mako Reactor a lot, but now I don't, simply because I do not care much for that section.

I used to be in RoA, but I left, as that was a place I posted more at. To relieve boredom caused by ACF, I visit various other websites.
I think I need to go into sserious Philosophical mode the only problem with this is that so few actually do Philosophy like me. So I go to all the trouble of doing research into a subject and no one can come up with anything. There are too many gamers on forums like these. Yes I do know how stupid that sounds.
hmm Your on Angelus, I just need a place to do it here. Oh and my first topic would be one of my favorites Nihilism just so you can prepere.

Just give me a place here on FFF and we can begin.
hmm very well I will think an appropriate way to word it as its a serious area I can't simply put.

"Whats everybuddy think about nihilism"

No can I? No I must come up with something a little more though provoking then that. Perhaps an eassy question on the subject may be appropriate.
Not really. We have a count to 10000 thread on one of my forums and it was going pretty slow. In your post you had to say what number you were at. But having one that you just say anything makes it a bit mroe conversation friendly. We made one called "Last One to Post Wins!" It overtook the "Count to 10000!" thread in 3 weeks.
I have seen those kind of threads over at AVF they do tend to pick up in sped at times, though the counting game one can be irritating when a lot of people are online as the numbers get muddled. Plus it is possible to cheat on it to get cearted post numbers. Yes some people actually care about such things.