100% game


Blue Mage
Oct 29, 2007
Anyone else done or trying to one?

'm still playing FFXII, I am trying to do a 100% run and its pretty hard doing one cuz a 100% run is considered:

One of every item including all ultimate weapons and armour like Danjuro, Tournesol, Ribbon, etc.
Complete bestiary - thats mean no more want need number next to the monsters names
All 13 Espers
All rare game and rare trophy monsters defeated.
All optional bosses and marks slain - ya bosses like Yiazmat, Omega, etc
Full license board for all characters
Full Sky pirates den, all the figurines needed - inlcuding all the annoying ones like Gabranth, Dalan, etc

I am currently around 70% through I guess. I have killed most of the optional bosses except for the rank 7 hunts and Omega, Hell Wyrm and Yiazmat.

I have most of the ultimate weapons and equipment too - getting Danjuro and the Grand helm in particular took me ages to get.

The only ultimate stuff I don't have is the Grand Armour, Rod of Faith,Wyrmhero Blade, Whale Whisker, Masanume and Grand Mace. I've gotten all the others. XD

Currently working on getting the Grand Armour, boy Helvinek is a real pain to chain to make him drop this item. Oh yeah all my characters are all currently at level 70 by the way.

I already completed all the license board for characters ages ago. Same thing with all the Espers - I got all for them a while now.

Haven't really made much of a start getting the rare game and trophy monsters, I have only beaten around 20 or so and that was mainly to get a ultimate weapon or amour steal or drop from them.

My game time is currently around 180 hours so, I expect it be around 250 odd for a 100% run game.
The last data I had, I only needed I think the last two espers and 5 hunts left. I had all the weapons/items. I did the whole Liscence thing with each character. It was a pretty good run. I think I had about 140 hours or something. I had to stop playing it though >_>
I will try to get as close 100% as possible and I am still on my first run through too.
Yeah I'm first run through the game, I have playing this game for around six or seven months - that is since the Uk launch date of FFXII.

Also just outta curiousity, what is your game time by the way guys?
Iv finished my first run through and intend on trying a 100% game but I just don't seem to be getting around to it. I recently started a new file on VIII and then no doubt something else will distract me.......I don't know if I can be bothered to be honest which is a shame really because I've always tried to best them all.....I guess I'll get round to giving it a crack sometime soon.....

I finished somewhere in the region of 120 hours....which is Prolly why I can't be bothered starting a new file.....
I wouldn't say I've got 100% but I did attain the pinnacle of clan ranks in Order of Ambrosia, which involved the completion of all marks/Sky Pirate's Den and the achievement of 1 million clan points. Of the rare armours/headgears and accessories, I had 4 Grand Armours, 2 Circlets, 1 Grand Helm and 3 Ribbons. Ultimate weapons were Excalibur, Tournesol, Wyrmhero Blade, Masamune, Yagyu Darkblade, Zodiac Spear. I managed to get every ammunition possible for my Formalhaut, Saggitarius Bow and Gastrophetes just for the sake of it. Those that would take a considerable amount of effort and time to gather for very little like the Danjuro I never bothered with.

My final gametime was about 99 hrs but it's not enough to illustrate the 'real amount' spent.
I got 100% woooot! Lol just thought I'd brag lol it took me ages!! 150+ hours!
On my first run through, I only completed the storyline and a few necessary sidequest... At the time, I was only interested in the storyline, not something I usually do in a FF.

Anyway, about a month later I went through it a second time and did my best to complete it 100%... Now, I believe I've done everything there is to do, but given the amount sidequest related mini-games there are, I'm sure I might have missed a couple things as the official strategy guide wasn't the best. >_<
In 168 hours i did everything except finish the Bestiary and get the Zodiak Spear.
Finishing the Bestiary is not a priority and because of how ridiculous the obtaining of the ZS is i couldn't give a shit about it, I wish there was a way to know about it outside of the net and guides.
I'm very happy with what i've done in XII and have moved on to other games and finally defeating the Dark Aeons and Nemesis in X.
well atm im just doing the story and have been going it for 62 hours done a few hunts but that was out of bordom currently in Ridorana Cataract
Update time, well I've finished all the rank 7 hunts now and have gotten neraly all the ultimate weapons and armour - the only one I don't have is Wyrmblade Hero, I've gotten all the others. XD

My characters are all now at 75 and I've most of the Sky Pirates Figurines too.

I got say it took me ages to get the Gabranth figurine mainly cuz I suck at using quickenings and getting the Black Hole and White Whorl concurrences gave me a lot of grief.

Game is now 190 hours, I am now gonna work on getting all the rare game and rare trophy monsters for now.

One question, I gotta ask is what are good levels to take on Hell Wyrm, Omega and Yiazmat?
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Hell Wyrm: Level 60-70
Yiazmat & Omega: Level 80-90

It is possible to do the Yiazmat marathon at your current levels (I managed it before with little fuss), just expect it to be a longer and tougher fight.

Also, try and get the best possible weapons and protective gears out there, coz they matter as well.
Hell Wyrm: Level 60-70
Yiazmat & Omega: Level 80-90

It is possible to do the Yiazmat marathon at your current levels (I managed it before with little fuss), just expect it to be a longer and tougher fight.

Also, try and get the best possible weapons and protective gears out there, coz they matter as well.

Hello, did you not read what I said? I said all I already I got all the ultimate weapons and armour besides the Wyrmblade hero. Ultimate=Best, get it. Geez.

Anywayz thanks for the level recommendations, I will try to do the Hell Wyrm at level 80 and do Omega and Yizzie at 90+.
Yes I have completed this game 100%. Though right now on my second time around I'm currently trying to reach the highest Clan Rank right about now. The first time I finished it I think I was in about 125 Hours. Right now on my second time around I'm about 98% done and I think I'll be finishing around the 80 hour region.