1000 ways to know if you play too much


Jun 6, 2006
Here is how this thread works. We post reasons according to this subject and when we get to 1000 we celebrate with whatever you people can think of. Make sure after you post to check over it to make sure you got you numbers right. I'll go first...

1. If somehow you have found some FFX bed spread with matching pillows.
2. You make your own gunblade.
3. You wear a shirt that says "Aeris R.I.P".
4. If you legally change your name to Zidane.
5. If you dye your skin blue and grow red dreadlocks.
6. When playing a zombie game like Resident Evil, you shout "LIFE, LIFE!".
7. If you have everyone in FFX fill every grid on the sphere grid.
9.) You have 3 DoC keychains. One for each set of keys you have, and one to carry around with you for luck %D (Check!)
10.) You buy the DoC Prelude even though you can't speak/read Japanese (Check!)
11.) You look at FFIII and think "thank god I bought that DS!" (Check!)
12.) Other RPG's you play start to not feel 'real', and just seem fake. (Unfortunately, Check!)
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13. If you named your dog Seifer (Guilty)
14. If your daughter says, "I want play Finah Fansy!" (Guilty)
16. You have your own victory dance when you win a fight (or arguement) (Check)
17. You collect shiny rocks because they make you do magic
18. Monsters randomly attack you when you walk about (Check?)
19. The monsters then somehow drop money and items
20. You walk into people's houses without knocking and look in their treasure chests
21. You frantically look for that Holy materia you're sure is in your sock draw that the flower girl dropped whenever you see a shooting star
22. The people to house bed in a town is 12:1
23. You start modding games such as DDR and Guitar Hero to have your favorite final fantasy songs on them.
24. If you call a teacher by the name of a Final Fantasy character.
25. You dream about playing Blitzball with the Besaid Aurochs (guilty)
26. You name your dog Nanaki (not guilty. yet...)
27. You have a letter opener shaped like Squall's gunblade (guilty XD)
28: You have your mp3 player stuffed full of the music from the game (Check)
29: You dream about attacking bosses from the games every night (Check again)
30. You buy the Japanese PS2 version of DoC because the cover is "cooler" than the English version even though you already own the English version. (Guilty)
31. You buy Final Fantasy XII potion.....yes an actual herbal drink that doesn't taste very good. I found that out the hard way.
32. You start calling your money gil.
36. When you can't walk around your own room without steping on somthing that has to do with final fantasy ( guilty ) XD
37. When you make a website dedicated to the Al Bhed Language (guilty)
38. When you have to correct your self when you notice your writing in AL Bhed during school (and yes again guilty)
40. When you can't beat Zodiark when you're play'n awake at 3AM, but somehow you manage to defeat him while you're sleep walking one night...

Sounds very weird and impossible...but I have a weird past history of sleep walking, and yes, I got Zodiark and I didn't even know it.

Some people say they can tie thier shoes in their sleep...well try this junk out. Crazy stufffff...
43. Talk about Final Fantasy 24/7 (Guilty)
44. Think about it in school assembly (Guilty)
45. Spend £13 on a Final Fantasy Help guide (Guilty)
46. Growing blue hair like seymour (Not guilty)
47. Painting footballs into blitzballs (Not guilty)
48. Wake up with the PS2 on and the controller next to you (Not guilty)
49. Wear Clouds clothes (Not guilty again)
50. Have Thunderga, Waterga, Blizzardga and Firaga for Wakka, Auron and Lulu (Guilty)
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52. You propose to your girlfriend and give her materia.
53. You go to her parents' house and they let you sleep ---- in separate rooms (VII)
54. Your wedding ceremony plays Aerith's and Tifa's theme as you walk down the aisle.
55. People throw potions and whatnot while you leave.

56. You don't kiss the bride ---- you lay her to 'rest'.
57. You take your honeymoon seriously and makes plans to rocket to the moon literally. (VIII)