12 New Final Fantasy XIII Screenshots [Spoiler Free]

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Twelve new images via a member of A9VG have been released. They are all spoiler free for your viewing pleasure. :ryan:













Source: A9VG
The characters have yet to win me over, they dont seem original or unique. I'd like to see something entirely new. The graphics still look great though.
If there is a chronological order to these screenshots- a couple of them seems to be a flashback from Lightning or something.

I'm really loving the futuristic train platform in Cocoon. However I am still wondering how the inside of Cocoon can look like it can be inside a moon-like flying object. Surely most of Cocoon can't see a sky :hmmm:
I'm sorry, but that fat dude with the mustache just made me laugh so much when I first saw it. I bet he'll be like that dude from FF10 that keeps travelling to the same place as you and sells goods for high prices!

On the side note, I think the reason they have a sky or lots of clouds is obviously that they need to breathe, trap in warmth on their moon and protection against radiation, and other scientific explanations.

The insides seem really nice though, and the uses of lots of trains suggest travelling from different stations and such in Cacoon, gives me a Wall-E moment this game does, what with Gran Pulse (Earth) and Cacoon (700 Year Old Ship).

I know the screenshots are fairly simple, and you probabaly won't dwell on it in the game, but they just bring me back to FF13, longing for more. It keeps that simplicity and the feeling of when you're in an open world city (even though I pressume it won't be as open).

However, I've seen the subtitles before, and I just hope there's an option to style the subtitles (I know you can turn it off/on), so the distracting nameplates above the subtitles can be rid of, it just ruins it for me in a way, that it slices the image off from the bottom left because of the distracting nameplate.

EDIT: In response to Travinia, I think the designs look awesome, sure there's the same monster models that you see in most Asian games (trust me, a lot of them look like I've seen before), but there's just such a variety and they tried to make it look unique by adding their own touches to it (like jelly-type monsters with flashlights on).

Plus, I am just loving the characters in this one, and I think they are the best ones yet. Sure, some may seem kinda typical, but they added their own touches on them to make them unique, like I love how Vanille just happens to have had trouble with all the characters (Sazh, Fang to name a few), but is there for them (Sazh, Hope to name a few) - and it's just a weird combination, because you'd either have somewhat of a troubled girl who feels isolated or you'd have a kind-hearted woman, but with her it's two in one. She's possibly one of my favourites I've seen, even though she has a low fan base.
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Who is the fat guy with the mustache? I bet he is awesome likable character ingame haha , I love fat ppl, they are always so funny , but on top of that this guy also has a mustache muwhahahah that IS EPIC!!!!
Looks like Lightning and Hope are stuck somewhere. And that one guy has the same shoulder protecter as lightning, except it's pink...

What? That guy has Lightning's shoulder pad? Perhaps that explains why she only has one of them, he must've thought it was a present from her after she left in the middle of the night. It didn't fit him, so he extended the length of it... but now Lightning's angry, and is gonna kick his ass.
Looks like Lightning and Hope are stuck somewhere. And that one guy has the same shoulder protecter as lightning, except it's pink...

Pink? on my screen its more red... can someone confirm this? I hooked my pc on a new TFT screen and its a bit annoying looking at this resolution thingy..
Pink? on my screen its more red... can someone confirm this? I hooked my pc on a new TFT screen and its a bit annoying looking at this resolution thingy..
I'd say it's more towards red, but definitely a bit of both red and pink. The glow is more red than the actual inner bits.
Merci Dasher :) , im tryin to show sum luv, but its constantly saying you need to spread it around more before adding rep to Mercurial/Cid/Dasher :P
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Oh awesome screens I love em! Ummmm so Im guessing we play as Lihtning in the beggining and then Oerba Dia Vanille and Sazh right? Anyway Does the ame start at night if so that is awesome. Oh who is that new guy.
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