[13/04] Next Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy DLC Is Pirate Vaan And Gunner Yuna

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Great more useless stuff to add, seriously what is up with crappy DLC's I mean they could add new stages, heck give us new characters, but instead they give us some crappy Costume changes... Music I only like to listen too on my Ipod, so if its good I will dl it onto Itunes, otehr than that Dont care.
I'm not a fan of DLC myself and would rather Developers just had this all more fun things you can unlock by actually playing the game but I guess it's extra money and that's something certain Developers just can't turn down. It would've been awesome if they merged Yuna's styles from FFX and FFX-2 in this game. Be able to kick ass with a staff, then go Gunlinger mode, then summon something and then ride that Aeon while shooting from your guns.

But that's probably too much awesome for one game to handle.
I'm not a fan of DLC myself and would rather Developers just had this all more fun things you can unlock by actually playing the game but I guess it's extra money and that's something certain Developers just can't turn down. It would've been awesome if they merged Yuna's styles from FFX and FFX-2 in this game. Be able to kick ass with a staff, then go Gunlinger mode, then summon something and then ride that Aeon while shooting from your guns.

But that's probably too much awesome for one game to handle.

This pisses me off too. Oh, and that idea just so reminds me of Lightning. Except with Yuna, she might be even more badass. Awesome idea... I love it.
I like that they included Yuna's gunner costume, but it'd be cool if she was basically an entirely new character. (Using her guns, instead of Aeons). But to pay almost 4 dollars for a simple costume change is just a rip off on Square's behalf, and Vaan's new costume is just pointless. It just looks dumb.
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hmmmm don't forget america haven't had DLC Yet.. in the UK where the zidane and kuja DLC costume came out they were only 59P that i don't mind paying

on topic i'm liking the music XD also yuna costume looks epic as always.. but i don't see the point of vann's he look...... gay XD
I can't wait until these come to the States.

I highly doubt 1 costume would be $4. And they are doing DLC because there was no more room on the disk. That, and I'm sure a big reason was to try to cut down on their losses due to piracy. Besides, the game was already $10 cheaper than Dissidia was when it came out. For $10, you can get a good number of DLC costumes.
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