Indie Game Developer
Also, people tend to only have ONE PSP or DS. They don't usually break, or need to be "upgraded" to the newest model. Cell phones go out of style monthy for some people. Just another reason why it would make more sense having a handheld game instead of a mobile game.
Cell phones were made to be brought around everywhere you go. That's why cell can be interchangeable with mobile. Also, the cell phone is an emergency device. Some people keep it on them for security reasons. Generally, if you break your phone, you can upgrade/are forced to upgrade because you can't really go in today's world without a cell phone. PSP's and DS's are NOT necessary for everyday life.
I'm just pointing out different viewpoints. I personally am against mobile games because I didn't buy my phone to play games, I bought it to keep in touch with people and have 911 available 24/7.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
If your not comfertable having your PSP/DS with you. Why do you have a cellphone? the same thing could happen to all three. being stolen/broken. yadayadayada.
Cell phones were made to be brought around everywhere you go. That's why cell can be interchangeable with mobile. Also, the cell phone is an emergency device. Some people keep it on them for security reasons. Generally, if you break your phone, you can upgrade/are forced to upgrade because you can't really go in today's world without a cell phone. PSP's and DS's are NOT necessary for everyday life.
I'm just pointing out different viewpoints. I personally am against mobile games because I didn't buy my phone to play games, I bought it to keep in touch with people and have 911 available 24/7.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson