13 year old daddy

Roy Mustang

The Flame Alchemist
Jun 1, 2008
SOURCE: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2250059.ece

What is this world coming too, a 13 year old boy has sex with a 15 year old girl and they have a baby. They decided to raise and it and everything. Now how could a 13 year old provide money for what a baby needs? A paper rout ain't going to much.

Funniest part about this is the hoodie he made: 'I'm the daddy...If I'm not then fuck you all, I'll still be there!'

So what are your views on this?
Could have sworn there was already a thread bout this but maybe not.

In short, it's pretty damn sad. Not only is the guy only slightly older than MLFY but the young girl he knocked up is fucking hideous. She's a real porker. :P

Other than that, it's very sad what happens between people today. Everyone does stupid things and getting a girl knocked up is a fairly common one. Yes, this case is unique because he's so incredibly young but I ask you if this mistake is really any better at an older age? There are tons of children born into the world as mistakes with parents who have no means to support them. I claim that this is more natural, and all the others are just more pathetic because they occur by older people who should be wise enough to avoid such mistakes.

It is sad though that a child is sexually active at that age. It is far too young.
Apparently it was a hoax. It was said that the girls parents decided to claim that the 13 year old boy was the father in order to cash in on the story.


Published: Feb. 19, 2009 at 1:38 AM

HAILSHAM, England, Feb. 19 (UPI) -- A 13-year-old British boy was put up to claiming he was the father of a 15-year-old girl's baby in an attempt cash in on the story, the Daily Mirror reports.

The British tabloid reported exclusively Wednesday that a close friend of Chantelle Stedman's parents said the girl was told by her mother to name Alfie Patten of Hailsham as the father of her baby.

That girl slept with heaps of guys and her parents allowed it, letting them sleep in her room and what not.

Of course they still have to do a paternity test but I believe that it is in fact a hoax in order to get some free money. The parents are unemployed and living on council estate. It gives them a great motive to lie about it.

Watch the news report video >_<

Even though the baby may not turn out to be his it is still scary to know that 12 year olds (how old he would of been at the time of possibly conceiving with the girlfriend) know how to have sex. =/

I didn't really know anything about it until the age of 15 maybe. And I certainly didn't put it into practice until well after leaving highschool.
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if it tue the the child is the father or no. i don't care . but i just want to say that here in saudi arabic long time chille like this used to be a man and able to take care a family and earn lot of money to spend on his family and rising them . however thing have changed now .
a childe here could get 25 years old and still achilde unable to take care of him selfe .

if the childe have money and smart enought to take care of a family . i don't see any thing wrong in been a father then .

still that aplay for a few people realy few . fiding the mone it's hard enough even if you do have the money it's even much fewer for those ho have a brain to run a family
that's so disturbing...
i don't know the laws in the Uk (he lives in the uk right?) because in the U.S your not even allowed to have sex until your fourteen o_O Like i don't know what those kids were thinking because i don't know about you but i wouldn't want to be a parent at 15 and 13 o.o
that's so disturbing...
i don't know the laws in the Uk (he lives in the uk right?) because in the U.S your not even allowed to have sex until your fourteen o_O Like i don't know what those kids were thinking because i don't know about you but i wouldn't want to be a parent at 15 and 13 o.o

The age of consent in the UK is 16. So to be 13 is very young indeed.
But I think it is stupid. The contrast is rather disturbing for starters. The girl he knocked up looks like she could eat him, as she is twice in size (not so much fat, but just bigger, as if she'd grown), whereas he looks like an 8 year old. Hasn't grown yet or anything.

I heard part of an interview with the young lad on the news, a week or so back, where they asked him what he was going to do for money, and he just said "what? I don't know what you mean" or words to that effect. It's just crazy. I have no idea how they will cope.

If it is a hoax, then that is even worse, for different reasons. If it is a hoax it just shows how crap our culture is right now. :P People fibbing to get money and benefits. Not quite as bad as the family that hid their daughter and pretended she'd been abducted just to get a story though.
I was quite shocked when I heard of this.It was kind of unbelievable.
A 13 year old???Omg O.O!
I don't agree with this incident,it sounds just so wrong for both sides.A 15 year-old having sex with someone younger and the 13-year-old being allowed to do so_Obviously their parents are taking advantage of both of them and that makes it even more disgusting to me(i'm sorry for the word),but I can't believe there are parents like that who will even lie to gain money from something like that.Yet they know the girl has slept with other as well and they said nothing.Neither of both is even mature enough to have sex.
I really wonder if they were educated or not.
It's cruel to know that a family would pin the title of "father" on a boy around my age. I can't even imagine what the media did to him. Why, though? Did the girl want to impress the boy? Did she hate him? That was a sick joke she pulled.
whether the kid is his or not, it's still shocking because well, hes so young, and he looks about eight. He didnt even know what the reporter meant when she asked how they'd cope finacially :ffs:

I want to know why the kid was allowed to stay over at his 'girfriends' house, even on school days. Its ridiculous.

Her parents sound like a righjt moral bunch, if it is indeed a hoax, not only should they have any money given them taken back, they should be fined for bloody fraud aswel, cheeky gets
This makes me sick... how the hell is the kid gonna provide money??? im mean he was asked how he was gonna supply financal security.. and he was whats that mean..

And besides what the hell are kids his age doing sleeping with 15 year old girls????

This world is shot to hell i tell you
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I guess its time to give up the tax money to this bitch now everyone these days is just being an attention whore and taking the tax money away.As for this dude eh atleast he scored but has now officially fucked up his life.:(
News article

A family friend said Alfie had been thrilled when he learned he was going to be a dad.

Becky Holmes, 19, said: “He is a lovely little boy.

“When he found out his girlfriend was pregnant he paid my baby girl so much attention.

“I was pretty shocked but he’s a natural with babies, even though he still looks like one himself.

Are people effing blind? The fact of the matter is that he is just A LITTLE BOY who knows absolutely nothing about being a father. The fact he paid more attention to his sisters daughter means nothing. The novelty will soon wear off when he can't figure out how to stop the baby crying etc.

INNOCENT-eyed Alfie Patten spent his first night acting as a 13-year-old dad and declared: “It was easier than I thought.”

Omg they are taking this kids word for things like he knows what he's talking about. They shouldn't be interviewing him or taking photos and whatnot. He may have provided biological sperm for this girl but he is NOT a father. He should not be given that title. A father is someone who will care for their child. Not someone who just donated his sperm in the heat of the moment.

I'm surprised someone of his stature was able to produce enough sperm to create anything.

He is only a little little little boy who will soon be whining about how annoying it is that he has to look after the baby when he really just wants to play XBOX or whatever.

But Chantelle insisted: “When I was pregnant the police and social workers came to interview us and they decided that we would make good parents to Maisie.

“Now we will prove to everyone that we can be, and give her a great future. When Alfie is 16 he can come and live here with me and my family.

That is like another 3 years in which he will more than likely have had enough or they won't be together anymore. How on earth did social wrokers deem it okay to leave an infant in the hands of a 13 and 15 year old as it's parents? IDIOTS!

Sean Thomas, 20, claimed: “She is not a young innocent girl who got pregnant with the first boy who came along.”

Furious Penny hit back: “It’s rubbish. Chantelle lost her virginity to Alfie.”

How can her mother be so blind?

Alfie's Dad: “How were we to know what they were up to? To us they were just kids — we’re as shocked as everyone else.”

WTF? You're meant to know what they're getting up to. That's why you're their parent!!! You shouldn't have been shocked. You should have been there every step of the way ensuring that nothing was happening you moron!!!

They should have said "NO Alfie you cannot sleep at your girlfriends house, as a matter of fact you shouldn't even have a relationship of that sort at your age. END IT. You are not seeing her end of story." Vice versa with the girls parents.

These kids are not parents and they will only end up hurting the child more than anything.
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They're probably just behaving the only way they know. It's disgraceful. The last thing 13 year olds should be wanting to do is to have sex.

I seriously hope this is a hoax. Although the girl is an idiot, regardless.
I remember reading this the other day, its madness. Have u seen the boy in question he looks so....young! hes a kid and now hes away to have one of his own, its crazy.
One of the other young lads who was possibly the father at the time said that it was routine for boys to stay over in her house and sleep in her bed! What the fuck are the parents doing? Thats crazy letting their 15 year old daughter sleep with whoever she wants! Theres no excuses for that.
I read this a couple days ago when jane put the url in the shoutbox. I was suprised to see this young guy being a father already. I figured it to be a bit weird. Then i read it was all just a fake scheme for money. There supposedly 5 other guys that are saying they might be the father o_O.
I'm not sure what is so shocking about this. Here we have something like 7 12 year old mothers a year, 12 thirteen year olds, 40 something 14 year old mothers and 52 15 year old mothers.
People that age have sex all the time, almost everybody I know lost their virginity prior to turnign 16.
Yeah, the kid is a complete tool, saying that he would earn money from his paper round. But it's not that big a deal. Well maybe that's just my perspective.

I guess its time to give up the tax money to this bitch now everyone these days is just being an attention whore and taking the tax money away.As for this dude eh atleast he scored but has now officially fucked up his life
You live in CA, if you want you can contribute your tax money. Or if you like you can play the part of reactionary stereotype.
I heard part of an interview with the young lad on the news, a week or so back, where they asked him what he was going to do for money, and he just said "what? I don't know what you mean" or words to that effect. It's just crazy. I have no idea how they will cope.

Yeah, they asked him how he was going to support his family financially or something and he said "What? Huh? What's financially?"

The girl he was with had have sex with 8 different guys or something. And since the 13 year old was the youngest they picked him so they'd get more money.
Funniest part about this is the hoodie he made: 'I'm the daddy...If I'm not then fuck you all, I'll still be there!'
Lol this is amazing.

As to the money...I'm sure welfare or some other government agency might be able to squeeze something out for him. They do for everyone else.

It has just been revealed that Alfie Patten IS NOT the father of Chantelle Steadmans daughter.

Apparently 6 other boys came forward, claiming that they could also be the father.

It is now unknown who the father is. However, Alfie is now out of the picture.

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SIX other boys? And shes what, 15? that's ridiculous. Can't say I'm relieved myself though, he's still had unprotected sex with her, so the risk was always there, and shes had sex with at least 7 different boys... the whole thing is a disgrace, the lies the underage sex with out protection, ugh,. it knocks me sick. What were her parents thinking? They are just as despicable to allow all this carry on.