13 year old daddy

The only thing I'm relieved about is the fact that Alfie now has nothing to do with that disgusting family anymore. Unless of course he's own family is stupid enough to allow him further access to them.

At least now he might actually wake up and smell the coffee and realise, 'Hey, maybe I should wait another good 10 years before I stick my winky in something that disgusting again.'

Risks include: STD's, Unwanted children, miserable life ensues...

So yeah, I'm hoping that he realises that this is his second chance and that he better not screw it up.
Yeah, I didn't think of it that way, the dumb kid should keep i t zipped up for the next few years and if he's thick enough to do it unprotected again, then more fool him.
Well, I can't say I am surprised that a child that age had sex. In all honesty, there are tons of them who do it who just don't get caught due to getting pregnant or just don't get caught any other way.

Also, you have to take into consideration that in the U.K. the children there are generally more mature at younger ages than in say the U.S. They start school before us, and they normally mature and even seem to hit puberty faster than the children here in the U.S. That is why their age of consent is 16 while ours is 18. You have to think of a child 13 over there being around 15 over here. I believe that when he said he didn't know what financially was, it was also a hoax from the parents trying to get everyone to realize how young he was. It was probably just a scheme so everyone would make a big deal out of it.

My issues with this isn't exactly that he had sex, but that he would have ruined his life if he tried to care for this baby. At the age of 13 and 15, even if they should be a bit more mature than here, they should not be having children. I know that you can't stop them from having sex, but they really shouldn't be having children and if they do they shouldn't be caring for the child theirselves. I don't always agree with abortion, so I think that they should let the parents take care of the child if they were willing or adopt the baby out. They should not ruin their lives to have a child.

This is why we need more Sex Ed and Ads that promote the use of sexual protection. If we can't stop children these ages from having sex, we need to at least do our best to prevent pregnancy at these ages. There are some children this age who are mature enough to use protection, but generally since they are so ignorant to Sex and what it actually means, they are also ignorant to the fact they need to use protection or they can be in serious trouble.

Still, I am not the least bit surprised that a kid this age had sex and even got a girl pregnant. I think it's horrible, but not surprising. I hope he realizes that he made a huge mistake and doesn't do it again.
its called teenage pregnancy and its rising at an alarming rate in europe. we are even having a rate which even surpasses the US.

i think anyone under the age of 15 is too young to have a child as they havent got the expierience yet.
Apparently 6 other boys came forward, claiming that they could also be the father.

AHHAHAHAHAHAH! That's hilarious. People never fail to amuse me. That 15 year old girl is so revolting. In all seriousness.... How low can you get sleeping with that thing? Seriously, that girl is fugly.

How trashy!
i think anyone under the age of 15 is too young to have a child as they havent got the expierience yet.

I think anyone without a brain or in a poor financial state should not have kids. 15 is way too young. It's really sad seeing teenage girls knocked up while I'm in my early 20s not even thinking about having kids.
This is why we need more Sex Ed and Ads that promote the use of sexual protection. If we can't stop children these ages from having sex, we need to at least do our best to prevent pregnancy at these ages.

I agree, but sadly enough our god loving government has given millions out to abstinence programs. You've also got stupid shit like the Jonas Brothers promoting purity rings. Yeah, let's see how long that will last.
I agree, but sadly enough our god loving government has given millions out to abstinence programs. You've also got stupid shit like the Jonas Brothers promoting purity rings. Yeah, let's see how long that will last.

Pfft Abstinence programs, let me ask you something... if you have had sex once and I mean good sex, do you think you could Abstain?

I mean I didn't have sex until I was 18, and yes you might say this is late, but honestly, these days I wish I could of lasted till later. I dated quite a bit from mid school to high school and made out, did some other stuff (private), but at that age.. I just don't see how these kids could just be like.. "oh yea I had sex with her and that's my kid"

Funny what kids will do to have status around their piers. I mean honestly the younger people get I fear the less respect they have for the opposite sex. Oh well.. times will change.. and so will people.
I read this few weeks ago at work and some customers were venting anger as they bought the papers with it on the front page. Its shocking and disgusting that a 15 year old girl slept with a 13 year old boy!! He looks 9, its sick. What parent would allow their 13 year old child to date a 15 year old??? Those who obiviously dont give a crap!! These families make me sick and I want to slap these kids!
1 - They shouldnt be having sex at that age for God sake.
and 2 - If they are sexually active (THEY SHOULDNT BE!!!), why not use a fucking condom for the love of Pete!!!???
And the fact other lads have come out of the wood work saying theyve slept with her and they may be the father! What a life that poor baby has come into. A father who can just about do timetables and a skank mother who sleeps around at 15 or younger!!

These people make me ashamed to be British. They are nothing but scum.