[20/12] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy Trailer

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why is anyone even going on about graphics for a console game

it looks interesting and i'll pick it up eventually after i finish XIII-2. Probably get it for 15-20 bucks like I did XIII-2.
why is anyone even going on about graphics for a console game

it looks interesting and i'll pick it up eventually after i finish XIII-2. Probably get it for 15-20 bucks like I did XIII-2.
Because they look worst than what FFXIII-2's initial trailer. The quality has dropped.
Based on this trailer, the gameplay and Lightning's character leave much to be desired. It doesn't look like a Final Fantasy game...and it doesn't look like a particularly good game in genereal. :sad3:

I looks like it's trying to be a platformer and an odd RPG at the same time... and has not managed to be a good example of either.

Lightning's character does not seem like a Final Fantasy character. She's more... well, her outfit reminds me of some of the ugliest outfits in The Last Story, and her personality (or what we see of it) is far too masculine for my liking. o_O She's been rather closed over the past few games, but I had hoped she'd end up as a strong woman who's determined, physically strong, but fairly elegant. Instead... she's butch... :ness:

I can only hope this trailer does not reflect the final product. >_<
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