Doing God's work for all of us, Famitsu magazine has decided to jump into the fray and ask Yoshinori Kitase, currently the producer of the upcoming remake for Final Fantasy VII, how things are coming along. Kitase has elected to say a few words about the development of the combat system, which may rub a good number of fans the wrong way...
“We’re starting to see the visual direction,” said Kitase. “On the other hand, we’re currently working out the battle system and such through trial-and-error.”
“Since there’s a possibility that the command battle system of the old days might not work today, we’re thinking hard about what kind of direction we can take it.
“Normally, when you do a remake, it becomes somewhere along the lines of a familiar action RPG, so we’re looking at how we can put out something like Final Fantasy VII while still surprising players."
Kitase continues (with good hearty laughter) and tells us not to bother asking him about the game's current progress. This can only mean one thing. Shock and horror, it seems it will be a looooooong time before the game sees the light of day. But hey, we should all be used to it by now, because it's routine with Square Enix. If it's not the FFVII remake, it's FFXV. If it's not FFXV, it's Kingdom Hearts III. If it's not Kingdom Hearts III, it's the bloody PC port of Lightning Returns and so on and so forth...