[25/08] Final Fantasy XIII-2 gets new cinematic PAX trailer

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"Memories of your past can be forgotten, but
Dec 2, 2009
Ohri Jin
FFXIV Server
Thu, Aug 25, 2011 | 17:29 BST

Final Fantasy XIII-2 gets new cinematic PAX trailer – watch

Square’s released a brand new trailer of Final Fantasy XIII-2 ahead of PAX attendees getting their hands on the game at the event this weekend in Seattle. There’s new cut-scenes not shown before, as well as footage of the Moogle in action for the first time, and a sighting of the dude that appeared in the first teaser trailer alongside Lightning in January. Get the video below.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 launches next January for PS3 and 360 in the US. Early 2012 is all thats been confirmed by Square Enix Europe. Thanks, Erren.

From Famitsu:







The actual trailer has been pulled/owned by IGN rights, but I'll post it as soon as its up.

Source - http://www.vg247.com/2011/08/25/final-fantasy-xiii-2-gets-new-cinematic-pax-trailer/

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Thought I would post it. I like it a bit. Certainly better than past trailers.

Looks like Hope is back and some tension between Gadot and Noel. We also see Lightning's rival closely.

Square Enix released a new Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer today, narrated by Lightning, that takes a look at some of the new locations we’ve been shown in recent media.

Serah, Noel, and the Moogle take center stage in the clip. Lightning appears briefly; the mystery character from the first trailer appears towards the end. Hope’s return is also teased (boomerang).
Watch it below

Source: http://gematsu.com/2011/08/final-fantasy-xiii-2-quest-for-lightning-trailer
The only good thing about that trailer was Noel getting Falcon Punched by the giant hand...and even that wasn't particularly satisfying. I feel for Atlas, I really do - see him screaming as he comes out of that portal. He doesn't want to be in the game at all.

Same old, same old. All they seem to have done to this game is add QTEs - which are hardly groundbreaking - and, since they couldn't be bothered to give you a proper party, let you control monsters instead. The battle system for FFXIII, if you can call it that, did NOT work. I expect in FFXIII-2 the only difference would be that you'll occasionally be required to press a button that isn't X as a QTE pops up on screen. The game will still play itself, and that godawul Paradigm system is still in it.

Nice to see that the voice acting hasn't changed: it's still absolutely diabolical. I've seen low-budget anime games with better voices than that. Even games with off lip-syncing are of better quality than this. They've totally destroyed what dignity the Moogle had by making him sound like Pikachu as well. I'm willing to bet "kupo" is pretty much all he'll say.

...I was so hoping that Hope was dead, as well. He was a whiny, weak, inept, socially retarded mummy's boy, and he didn't change at all through FFXIII. He was another failed "boy becomes man" story in a JRPG that served to annoy more than anything else. I can just see his new jacket being the only thing about him that is new. Serah seems to have adopted his "personality" as well, if you can call it that. A strong, likeable female protagonist who isn't a complete butch fucking retard. Is it REALLY too much to ask for, Square Enix? What, do you let William Shakespeare design your female protagonists or something?

It pains me to say it, but this "rival" character...looks like Vayne. In purple armour. A small part of me died when I saw that they had recycled his character design. Vayne is too cool to be recycled into a game like this.

Give this a chance? Oh no, I don't think so. I'm not making the same stupid mistake twice. If something looks exactly the same, and it's a sequel, then of course it is going to be exactly the same and, considering how awful FFXIII was, I will not be wasting my money this time around. Can't judge it until I've played it? Well, I've never tried jumping in front of a train before, but I don't have to do that to know I'm not going to like it, do I? But then, doing that would probably be preferable to "playing" this...at least it'd be over with quickly, and I wouldn't have to endure another 30 hours or so of nonsensical story, poor-designed characters, non-existant "gameplay" that is more watching than playing, and remixed versions of a soundtrack that was awful to begin with.

In short? The more I see of this, the more awful it looks. Oh yes, it's very pretty, but I think we've established by this point that any company with half a brain (or none, in Square Enix's case) can make something look pretty. All style, no substance. Again. How much more of this tedious crap are we going to be made to endure before they get their act together and release a game that you're actually allowed to play, instead of watching whilst it plays itself and occasionally pressing one or two buttons? :hmph:
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:O hahaha I couldnt find it anywhere Adri! Haha you deserve rep! :D
I tried to find it for so long xD...

On a side note they could have chosen better VA's for better voices :hmmm:
Graphically wise its stunning to view as well in-game.. freeking beautiful.
The visuals look great but, based on the trailers so far, I predict a mediocre story. :/ I'll only get this game if the reviews are very good; I won't pre-order it like I did XII and XIII.

I don't know whether they'll ever be able to create something as good as they did in the good old days! A developer of Final Fantasy once said that it would take FAR TOO MANY YEARS to recreate VII with modern graphics because it's so large and the story's so long! Guess it's hard to mix beautiful aesthetics with quality and quantity.
I don't need to say that I am very excited! (I watched the trailer many times already)

Too bad the majority of people loathe it already. 75% of the posts here is a very good example. I thought it will turn out to be a well-received game, but with such a fanbase, this game will just be another crappy game in their eyes.

I doubt I will be disappointed in it at all. I have very low expectations on video games. And with the amount of footage they show, it's already well above what I want the game to be like.

well at least, while you guys are waiting for the apparently non-existent versus, I will be enjoying an underrated gem as early as next year :wacky:
Did anyone else notice that Lebreau's (sp) line changed from "Lightning is dead", to she can't help you or something like that.
I'm hoping it's just a new scene, I feel like the previous line was leaving more of an impact on the story in my opinion. I look forward to more information soon. Seeing Hope was kind of a relief. I'm glad the old characters are starting to come out.
Well, I've come to the decision that I won't be touching this game. With short time and perhaps with a lack of funds by then, I don't think I'll be buying many games from now on anyway, and FFXIII-2 isn't exactly very high on my list of to-buys at all. If you love the trailer and the look of the game as a whole so far, then power to you - I guess it's good to see not everyone's fallen into the chasm of cynicism (xD), and I hope you have fun with the game.

Now uhh, to comment on that trailer:

+ What is that lalala song being played in the background? Please say that isn't the game's theme song because it is absolutely unbearable.

+ Ahh, the joys of JRPG logic. Lightning wandered off somewhere and hasn't called or returned. Therefore we are 100% sure she is dead! Woo! How about the last game where Lightning and co. spent most of the game darting around Cocoon and Gran Pulse and Team Nora couldn't have known what happened to them? They weren't so quick to label her as being dead then were they?

+ Moogle turning into a bow and a sword. *sigh* No matter how you look at that, it's still a ridiculous idea. What next? Moogle turns out to be the Fal'Cie Maduin all along?

+ Meteor! Possible travelling between worlds! They're stealing FFV's storyline now, the bastards!

+ Hope....actually being badass? Woah, he's been toughing up lately, huh? And that creature is subdued by a boomerang? Of all weapons? Fail.

+ Snow is mentioned but not seen! Woo! I was dreading to see his face pop up and doing heroic stuff again.

+ Voice acting is more or less still average and uninteresting. Kind of like the first game then.

+ Noel getting pwned several times by giant hands in the trailer. My favourite parts.

+ "LIGHTNING! HELP ME!!" Ooh, Serah. You are one of the lead characters in this game now as opposed to being the most useless in the previous game purely to be a plot device. Now you're also nearly just as useless. And I can see why people are saying she looks anorexic now...

+ Only Square Enix can make an entire cutscene revolving around a pendant necklace.

+ So Lightning's rival is....Vayne Solidor? I know people weren't overly fond of you as the big bad in FFXII, Vayne (but I loved you and your voice actor <3) - but do you really think that by appearing in another game the FFXII-haters will grow to like you more?

+ Crystal Tools, same engine, so similar graphics and quality. Stunning to look at. Doesn't look stunning to play. Hmm, I think you can take a few lessons from Monolith Soft, Kitase and Toriyama...

+ In Ohri's first screenshot to the left, I honestly imagined for a moment there that they beheaded one of the Shiva's sisters and enlarged the head.
I find it interesting that the lalalala song was like a darker version of "song of memories" from FFIX. They are rather similar in progression. Instrumental and then followed by a woman singing lalala. They have totally different melodies altogether though. Song of memories is a remix of Melodies of Life obviously. I guess it's just a coincidence.

skip to 0:47 for the vocal part. So nostalgic :) makes me want to replay FFIX.
I am a little disappointed. The voice acting sounds stiff, the graphics not anything special. Maybe its just the video though
I don't care so much about Serah, or even how she acts, sounds...actually, don't like her all that much, but the fact that I saw Hope's boomerang gave me a glimmer of light for this game.

Yes, I'm turning a complete 180 for my likeness to hope, but wouldn't you if he was 5 years older? I'm just super excited to see how he has changed, and MAYBE some LightningxHope, but that's just me. :griin:

Anywhoo, I'm liking what I see, and doesn't matter what naysayers say, I like it. :ryan:
I'm rather impressed with Serah's fighting style. Visually mind, though bows are growing on me as of late. But that said, she seems to be working it kinda well, and coming far from the useless popsicle stick in XIII.

I love the idea of a moogle turning into a weapon as well. Though it's kinda reminding me of an anime where you get the token little mascot thing that tags along yet serves an important purpose.

I do hope they haven't ditched Lebreau's line from before though, it had more power than the one we saw in this trailer.

I don't want to Serah and Noel to be dominating the plot the most though. I mean, if I can deal with Cloud having the most important role in FFVII, I can deal with this, but just sayin'.

And I'm liking this battle theme. I really really really frickin hope we see more of Gadot and Lebreau though.
I'm glad Hope's back. He looks mega awesome cool... so far. The trailer didn't really sell the game to me yet, but I'll probably still get it. Just to pass time, or whatever. But hopefully they'll disclose some more information that'll make the game more appealing.





[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Three years after the events in FINAL FANTASY XIII, Lightning has gone missing, and Snow is nowhere to be found. In a rebuilding world, Serah notices that something is amiss. After a fortuitous encounter with a mysterious man named Noel, the two set off to find Lightning.[/FONT]


So Lightning is missing and Serah wants to find her sister....pff bit cliché..Yuna wanted to find Tidus after all....
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Three years after the events in FINAL FANTASY XIII, Lightning has gone missing, and Snow is nowhere to be found.[/FONT]
So everyone's running around declaring that Lightning is dead purely because they've not seen or heard from her in ages, yet no one is doing the same for Snow? Either Team Nora have really stopped caring about Snow, or the writers have just given up at that point. :awesome:

Yes, yes, spoil more, more. God forbid to play the game eventually.

Or you can just I dunno...not read the threads? Gee, not hard is it?
So they set off to find Lightning but don't give a damn about Snow? That's makes perfect sense, especially since Lightning only left because she was assured Snow would take care of her sister (according to the short novels anyway).

I was hoping they wouldn't write-off Snow nonsensically just because people didn't like him. I hope there is more to it than "NO ONE LIKE SNOW SO HE GONE NOW HE LAME ANYWAY".
I presume the other characters from FFXIII

have been accounted for and team nora knows where they are.

Lightning probably disappeared in some fashion, maybe in an explosion and so they have a reasonable belief that she is dead.

I did prefer the previous video where the "lightning is dead' comment was made.It definitely had more power to it.

Serah as a fighter doesn't make sense to me.Maybe as a mage or as a summoner but she feels too weak physically to me for her to be a fighter.
I do like the way she uses a bow though.

I am also excited about getting monsters to join your team.I was a big fan of blue magic and I have been disappointed in the fact we haven't had it in the recent games.While not blue magic per se it's the next best thing to it so I am liking that addition.

I do like noel.I like him for some personal reasons such as his outlook on life and death.Having seen plenty of the latter in my life sadly I relate to his feelings on the matter.

Yes I would have preferred to have had versus released instead of this but you have to take what Square provides when they provide it.

Yes I will buy the game although I don't have high expectations for it.
I will buy it first day and not wait on any reviews.The reviews aren't relevant and are biased anyway.Look at the reviews FFXII got and you see what I mean.

I know people are lining up to be disappointed and I feel a lot of it has to do with Square not being willing to add storywriters to their team that will take the time to write compelling stories and the overemphasis on graphics over substance in their games.
Why make something compelling when people will settle for less and yes I realize I am going to be one of those.But what choice do I have ?

As for serah she has always had lightning to protect her so it doesn't bother me she says "lightning protect me".
and no lightning isn't useless.I am sure at some point lightning returns from the alternate world, or your party gets there and finds her and returns with her so I am not bothered by that either.I do think some people are jumping to conclusions with their negativity about the game.

I am a FF fan and if I am alive 20 years from now and Square is still churning them out then I will still be buying them if I have the money to do so.
LOL at Serah thinking Lightning would need her help to do anything.
I hate how they completely switched their roles, and make Lightning seem like she is as useless as Serah was in the first game.

As for Snow, I really thought he was annoying in the first game so I don't mind if he stays missing.. But I'm going to assume his "hero" instincts kicked in again when Lightning goes missing, so I'm going to assume he goes to find her or some other missing party members from the last game.. I like how NORA is only concerned for Serah and her need for Lightning though, i would've assumed they would've talked more on Snow instead of Lightning. I'm guessing Nora knows where Snow is, so I doubt he is "missing". Unless he hasn't communicated with the group in a while.
I'm pretty hyped after that trailer. I love serahs crossbow. Im still hating Noel though, he seems like a lame like snow. He's dressed like fang and acts like snow.
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