25 years of Final Fantasy...


Dark Knight
Jan 15, 2007
Mog's Tent
So we have had 25 years of Final Fantasy and the big questions are...

What were your favorite games?

Least favorite games?

Most happy scene in a game?

Saddest Scene in a game?

Best spinoff?

Worst spinoff?

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?

Best memory of Final Fantasy?

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?
Most definitely Final Fantasy IX.
Beautiful characters, story, locations, the music was incredible, it was actually set in a fantasy world unlike any of the others. I just love it to pieces.
Final Fantasy XII and X tie as my second favourites, I like X again after playing through it again.

What is your least Favourite Final Fantasy game?
Final Fantasy VIII without a doubt, I just can't get into it, I've tried to play it at least 3 times, and each time I find it really difficult to get past the first disk, I could even stand FFXIII more than VIII. The sad thing is I try really hard to like VIII...it just isn't happening for me :sad2:

Most happy scene in a Final Fantasy game?
The ending of FFIX, it's so fucking cute, having Zidane come back to Garnet, and having them hug, the little punch thing she does on his chest :sad2: it's beautiful.

Saddest scene in a Final Fantasy game?
:hmmm: anything with Vivi finding out about who he is and what's going to happen to him is always sad and manage to make me feel really shit for him haha poor little guy :sad3: but I guess also the ending to FFX. It didn't really effect me as much as some other people, like I didn't tear up or anything, probably beacuse I really do not like Yuna or Tidus haha but I recognised that it was a pretty sad thing to happen and it was a very interesting and unexpected ending for me.

Best Spin-off?
Errr I guess FFX-2. The story was shit and ruined the nice ending that FFX had, and the characters were idiotic but the battle system was so much fun, so I can forgive it for that ;)

Worst Spin-off?
I've only played FFX-2 and Crisis Core, so because FFX-2 is my favourite spin-off I guess that makes Crisis Core the worst....which it deserves because it was an utter bore.

Where do you see Final Fantasy going in the future?
To be honest, I see it going down the toilet. I still have small hope for it but I can't really see the future games getting any better after FFXIII. Though I hope I am wrong :griin:

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
...I am not sure what this means... does this mean best memory in a game or best memory of something that happened while getting the game?
I dunno :hmmm: getting FFIX I suppose

Worst Memory of Final Fantasy?
Same like the question above, not sure what this means but I'll answer how I think.
Giving away my copy of FFVIII to some wanker for free :sad2: That shit's worth like $150 now. Oh and also not accepting a free copy of FFVI...what kind of idiot am i?

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Saul Goodman said:
Best memory of Final Fantasy?
...I am not sure what this means... does this mean best memory in a game or best memory of something that happened while getting the game?
I dunno :hmmm: getting FFIX I suppose

Worst Memory of Final Fantasy?
Same like the question above, not sure what this means but I'll answer how I think.
Giving away my copy of FFVIII to some wanker for free :sad2: That shit's worth like $150 now. Oh and also not accepting a free copy of FFVI...what kind of idiot am i?

I meant it as anything you wanted really, if it was of buying the game, or playing the game, or something in game or out of game... just figured 25 years of FF and we are on a FF forum we have to have some memories of it :wacky:
What were your favorite games?
VIII, X-2 and XII

Least favorite games?

Most happy scene in a game?

The ending to FFVIII, I suppose? It's nice to know that, just before the moment of his death, Squall made up a happy ending for himself with his rival's woman...and put his rival to fishing on the docks, and paired the sorceress he was supposed to kill with his headmaster. Some serious psychological mania going on there.

Saddest Scene in a game?
There hasn't really been a scene in any FF game that has stirred sadness in me; they're not really strong enough for that.

Best spinoff?
Much as I enjoyed X-2, War of the Lions gets the crown here, for having a proper storyline, an engaging and morally ambiguous cast of characters, a wonderful art style and soundtrack, and highly addictive gameplay that, whilst it will never compete with the likes of Disgaea, was still quite fun.

Worst spinoff?
XIII-2, for obvious reasons, not the least of them being it's a pile of shit.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
I can't see Final Fantasy really going anywhere. For several years now, Square Enix have relied solely on the success of past games and their ability to advertise effectively to sell utter trash and remakes/remasters/ports, and I see this continuing. XII was the single bright spot in what has become a very dark and depressing road, filled with one cliche and disappointment after another. They're fighting to preserve a corpse that has been rotting for several years.

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
Making up lyrics to Shuffle or Boogie with my friend back when I didn't have a PS1 of my own. We spent more time doing that than actually playing the game. xD

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
I suppose, to be honest, playing Final Fantasy XIII for the first time through, then looking back on it and realizing just how BAD it was. I didn't really see it the first time through the game, because I was constantly waiting for something to happen: for the characters to develop actual personalities, for the gameplay to open up to me fully, for the main villain to do something dastardly, for the story to surface; something, ANYTHING. Then it got to the end of the game, I looked back on it, and I just realized: I've wasted about thirty hours of my life watching an interactive movie with no plot and a shit cast, holding up on the control stick and letting auto-battle fight nearly every single battle for me.
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What were your favorite games? It has to be a very close draw between FF9 and FF8. I love FF9's deep and provoking storyline and characters and FF8 has a nice battle/ leveling up system that has me glued for hours. FF5 would have to be a 3rd.

Least favorite games? I cannot stand FF XII, FF I and the FF XIII games. Just ughhh.

Most happy scene in a game? The FFX-2 complete ending ! Oh and the FF VIII ending too !

Saddest Scene in a game?
FF IX from the beginning of CD2 downwards. It's just one huge tissue box of feels. Oh and the " Eyes on Me'' scene on the Airship. Oh and Celes giving up hope in the beginning part of the 2nd bit of FF VI. So sad !

Best spinoff?
Does Final Fantasy X-2 count ?

Worst spinoff?
Crisis Core, DOC and the Dissidia games. Can't stand them.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
Hey do you want to pay $4 for a Kitty costume for Lightning ? Brand new DLC ?!

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
It has to be getting FFX for the first time. I remember being so hyped and just RUNNING from school and then finding out that they haven't got any copies in the store and then my uncle coming up with a copy of FFX brand new and everything !

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
Playing FF 12 for the first time and for the first time ever feeling like I didn't like or enjoy a Final Fantasy game. It felt empty, weird, annoying and depressing. 2nd would be hoping that FF 13 would be a huge improvement and then getting disapointemented on that too. Oh and then seeing the ending to FF13-2. Way to Troll your fans Square.
What were your favorite games?


Least favorite games?


Most happy scene in a game?

I'll also go for the FFVIII ending. By ending, I mean at the very last bit in the Garden when I-can't-remember-who-it-was films the festivities and you can just see the carnage and hijinks in the background. Out of all the endings, this one just seems to be the most effective one, as strangely mundane as it seems compared to other endings. They're back at school, they're close friends now, they're reunited with their classmates, the Sorceress matron is back and they don't have to deal with anymore time compression nonsense. And guess what? We see people like SEIFER and SQUALL happy! Yeah, I know! Especially Squall, the grouchy git, finally being happy. It's enough to make the most cynical of bastards smile with him.

Saddest Scene in a game?

FFX had a particularly touching moment in the Bikanel Home level. The otherwise annoying and chirpy Tidus is suddenly extinguished like a dying flame when he realises that if they continue, Yuna is going to bite the dust, and then he reacting to this in sheer horror. It was touching when I first came across that cutscene, though if I were to revisit it now, I'll probably just tsk and call it melodrama. :olivia:

But still, the sight of a character like Tidus who otherwise spends most of the game happy, optimistic and enjoying his company (when he isn't thinking about Jecht or looking at Seymour) suddenly descend into this devastated wreck before our eyes is rather powerful. If that had been Squall, I would just act with indifference, because, well, Squall's always a miserable soul. It's only in the ending of FFVIII that I actually see him crack a fucking smile that I'm shocked that he was physically able to do so. If that was Lightning, I would just react the same way as she would: just apathy.

Best spinoff?

Uhh, wait, how many spinoffs have I actually played? Surprisingly, very few. I suppose I did have a lot of fun with Tactics A2, what with its meaty content that could easily have lasted me up to 300 hours alone, but its story is atrocious and it's probably a bit too hardcore for me. It'll have to be FFX-2 then, just as long as I learn not to take the game too seriously and accept it for what it is: at most, a lighthearted romp around Spira, killing swarms of poor bastards for shiny balls with bad quality video footage.

Worst spinoff?

Crisis friggin' Core. Boring, monotonous, not very memorable at all, stupid gachapon luck system, hilariously stupid stealth section, 300 missions of boring, short game, felt a bit ripped off with the £30 I paid for it, and did I also say it was boring? Best part was Zack effectively dealing as much damage with a parasol as he does with the Buster Sword.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?

Nomura will still continue to diligently tell fans to wait patiently for more information on Versus in 2017. The Lightning Saga will have ended by then, but there is a strange new call for a Caius Saga. Maybe also a Fang Saga, so new batches of FFXIII games will be made starring Caius and Fang - and perhaps a bit of Vanille. Expect a lovely Bayonetta DLC costume for Fang. FFXIV 2.0 will come out, but everyone forgets about it, until Square decides instead to make FFXVI an MMO for the next Nintendo handheld. Square also suddenly decides to make the next proper Final Fantasy game for iOS. Tri-Ace will be immediately assimilated into Square-Enix and soon, we get to download new pieces of DLC for Lightning Returns, like a new skill for Lightning: summon phantom versions of Lezard Valeth, Hrist Valkyrie, Bacchus and Vashyron to distract enemies.

Best memory of Final Fantasy?

I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for FFXII to come out (and that wasn't until the next March, damn localisation!) when that one June 2006, Square-Enix came out and announced FFXIII, Versus XIII and Agito XIII. My 13-year old self couldn't contain her excitement and started squealing inappropriately, while she began replaying the trailers over and over again. FFXII hadn't come out yet and she was already mesmerised by the next-gen titles, wondrous as to what the mighty and exalted Square would give us from heaven up high. Truely, everyone online thought, there was no better time to be a Final Fantasy fan. And she believed it...


Worst memory of Final Fantasy?

...until FFXIII actually happened. Then I started to realise that Square isn't exalted after all and in fact this so-called "next-gen" is like a cake. A cake that is a lie. Coincidentally it's also just about the same time that I started to grow up and become a heck of a lot more cynical than I was over 6 years ago.
Hi Fleur how you been ,its been a long time!
What were your favorite games?

Least favorite games?

Most happy scene in a game?
FFVI opera!

Saddest Scene in a game?
FFVI the suicide of Celes!

Best spinoff?
FF7 Advent Children

Worst spinoff?

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
A game like Kingdom heart and Final Fantasy X-2

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
Tidus fading away and leaving the airship!

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
Having to finish FFX-2 at 100%,i could'nt so i went online to see the ending and they were no HD in 2001!!!
What were your favorite games?
VII, IX and X

Least favorite games?

Most happy scene in a game?
Don't really know tbh... The games I like is a whole happy experience.

Saddest Scene in a game?
Probably the ending of FFX or Crisis Core.

Best spinoff?
I enjoyed crisis core and war of the lions quite a lot.

Worst spinoff?
Probably FFX-2... Girly pop music and all = ergh.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
It's been going down hill for a while now. I always look at reviews to see if the new game is any good and erm nope. The mmo 14 is a failure, many dislike the 13 series and I didn't like 12 whatsoever.

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
Playing FF7, 9 and 10 for the first time and being obessed...

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
Playing FF12 for the first time and realising how much the game sucked to me. When my sister played it, she didn't play longer than me either.
What were your favorite games? VIII, IX, X

Least favorite games? XII

Most happy scene in a game? Hands down for me, the ending of IX. It was a very hapyy moment for me :woo:

Saddest Scene in a game? ending of X
Best spinoff?

Worst spinoff?
Crisis Core was rather tedious to me after a certain point of the game. :hmmm:

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future? Hopefully better games like the older ones

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
One summer, I decided to play all the FF's that I owned in order. It was a really fun filled FF summer :jay::seiji:

Worst memory of Final Fantasy? Not taking care of my PSone copies :sad3: it sucked because I had to rebuy most of them >.>
What were your favorite games?
Tactics, VI, IX, II, Tactics Advance, VIII

Least favorite games?

Happiest scene in a game?
FF8 Ending <3

Saddest Scene in a game?
Killing Cid in VI :sad3:

Best spinoff?

Worst spinoff?
XIII-2. I'm sorry but that game seriously FUCKED UP XIII's story, which was already decent as it was.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
I see it as a series of sci-fi games that happen to involved magic. The game plays itself naturally and it's graphics will sex you over.

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
Finally beating the snot out of Ultimecia.

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
Attempting to treasure hunt in Deep Dungeon in Tactics. Took my little 11 year old self weeks to finish it with all my characters still alive. ;-;
What were your favorite games? FFVII, FFX

Least favorite games? FFVIII, FFX-2

Most happy scene in a game? FFIX ending

Saddest Scene in a game?
Zack dying in crisis core
Best spinoff? Crisis core

Worst spinoff? Dirge of cerberus

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future? Hopefully see versus before 15

Best memory of Final Fantasy? beating final fantasy x

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?playing x-2
What were your favorite games? FF7 and 8

Least favorite games? None

Most happy scene in a game? Breed a Gold Chocobo in FF7

Saddest Scene in a game? Death of Aeris

Best spinoff? FF7 Advent Children

Worst spinoff? No idea.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future? Might want to stop at 20? lol

Best memory of Final Fantasy? FF8 Laguna's First Appearance. Music was epic.

Worst memory of Final Fantasy? Died to Ruby Weapon in FF7 many times.
What were your favorite games?

Least favorite games?
VII (all of em), X-2, XI, XII

Most happy scene in a game?
Zidane's return at the end of FFIX

Saddest Scene in a game?
Serah's death at the end of XIII-2

Best spinoff?

Worst spinoff?

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
hopefully still doing single player games and leave online gaming alone unless they're not gonna charge monthly for it....

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
the end of IX and Squall/Rinoa in space in the ragnarok

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
finding out how much XII sucked... :okay:
What are your favorite games?
Final Fantasy X is my absolute favourite, partly because it changed my life. :lew: I adore the battle system - it's the best in the series IMO - the story and the characters. The world is beautiful too. ^_^ However, Final Fantasy IV, VIII, IX and XIII-2 are all close behind. I tend to say all five are my favourite. :ryan:

Least favorite games?
Hmm, I dislike Yuna in X-2, but the game itself is kinda fun. :lew: I don't dislike any FF. :hmmm: XIII was certainly far too linear, but I understand why. :hmmm: What I disliked about XIII was the battle system. The game would have been so much better with a decent battle system like the one in FFX! :ness: I'm not fond of FFTactics. Each battle is so slooooooow. >.<

Most happy scene in a game?
:hmmm: The ending to Final Fantasy IX! ^_^

Saddest Scene in a game?
The Ending to Final Fantasy X, the ending to XIII and the ending to XIII-2. The first two made my ears tear up a bit. :lew:

Best spinoff?
I really enjoyed Crisis Core. :grin: However, if Final Fantasy XIII-2 is considered a spin-off, though, I'll go with that.

Worst spinoff?

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?
I see it becoming more mainstream, which is kinda upsetting. :/ I suppose it'll make it easier for me to resist buying the new consoles! :lew:

Best memory of Final Fantasy?
The entire experience of FFX! ^_^

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?
Yuna in X-2... Haha. Seriously. :sad3:
What are your favourite games?

VIII, VII, IX, X. Possibly in that order actually. I think VIII is top of my list because I played it once I was old enough to appreciate the quality of it. I actually played VII before, but was probably a bit young. X could perhaps be a bit higher, but seeing as I haven't played it in years :ffs: I can't say much more about it.

Least favourite games?

XIII. I tried to like this game, I really did. Visually it's brilliant, but each FF that is released seems to push the limit of graphics - depending on its platform. With this one in the series, I feel that they tried to change too much at one time. For me, this is the game in the series that completely lost its FF identity. To be fair, that was probably happening before this one.

Most happy scene in a game?

The ending of FFVIII sticks in my mind - mainly because it was the first one I completed. It seemed full of scene's that you've been wanting to see throughout the duration of the game.

Saddest scene in a game?

Looking back on it, the very beginning of XIII. That means the game is starting; which is bad.

Best Spinoff?

I'd have to go for Crisis Core. I liked Dirge of Cerberus, but I'm not sure why. It's not a great game, is it. That said, I can't say I've played many others aside from these two.

Where do you see Final Fantasy in the future?

Unfortunately I don't think it has long left. Slowly but surely the tradition of the series is being eradicated, I think so anyway. Today's generation won't have the desire to pick up an RPG when they've got every other piece of crap in front of it on the shelves - so they probably won't even get the chance to experience a more "modern" RPG.

Best memory of Final Fantasy?

Watching the demo of FFVIII a month before I got it :awesome: I was so excited to actually play the game, I just watching the demo over and over again. Sad, yes, but I don't care!

Worst memory of Final Fantasy?

Honestly, playing XIII. That's when I realised that the FF series I know and love had changed too much for me to recognise it any more.
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