[27/11] Lightning Returns Had The Lowest Opening Sales Of Any Final Fantasy XIII Game

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See, I see LR being the best of the trilogy. Sure, it isn't saying much, but shouldn't that mean it gets the highest sales figures? In a perfect world :gonk:. I'm sure it won't have the graphics or "high production values" of 13-1, but looking at the timed concept, at least there could be something slightly less overdone about the game. There don't seem to be too many RPGs that focus on time constraints out there, that I can think of (except Majora's Mask, if that counts).

What I'm trying to say there is: shouldn't the more unique games sell better and be encouraged? Meh, I'll be grabbing LR after a month or two anyways :wacky:.

What do you mean by its not saying much? throughout the entire LR development, toriyama saying how her character has been refined. the immense costumes was the biggest selling point over the plot. it had alot to say....just most of it wasn't good or a quality worth buying.
What do you mean by its not saying much?

What I meant was that the FF13 games so far (not including LR, because I don't know too much about it) are awful when it comes to FF standards. Sooo, it's not saying much that LR will more than likely be the best.

P.S. Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed 13-2, but compared with some of the other FF games...it was pretty bad.
Pleasing. :tehe:

I hope it fails hard in NA & EU too. I hope SE then get the picture through digits since they can't seem to any other way.

MOVE ON. And start being Final Fantasy again. :kinky:
I can't believe the hate for XIII-2 :dry: I actually thought it was far, far better than XIII. The only good thing to come from XIII for me. As for LR...I spoiled the ending for myself, and I might still play it but...the only characters I care about are Noel, Serah and Hope so I might not considering what I've read -.-
meh....in terms of throwing the big middle to XIII, yeah its better. XIII-2 does something that makes you forget XIII ever existed. but it still has its faults and most of the problem was trying to fix the mistakes XIII had and still retaining it. DLC canon ending?

XIII-2 focused more on the characters than the plot actually being sensible. Which is why most people were turned off by it. wasn't "truly" free roam as others made it believe but at least it had towns. LR may very well be an updated, actual free roam, yet another FFX-2 copy cat. but also consider the plot. and how much that will drive the player to continue playing the game.

Considering Hope is on the sidelines here. he's not going to be enough for me to even "consider" renting the game.
Yeah Hope is on the sidelines, Noel's a bad guy and Serah is nowhere to be seen. Considering they're the only characters I care even the slightest about (other than Sazh who is also barely there) it's not much incentive for me to play.
I can't believe the hate for XIII-2 :dry: I actually thought it was far, far better than XIII. The only good thing to come from XIII for me. As for LR...I spoiled the ending for myself, and I might still play it but...the only characters I care about are Noel, Serah and Hope so I might not considering what I've read -.-

Yeah same here

XIII-2 fixed the lack of towns feeling that the original had and the hallway of doom feeling that the original had as well, plus it had a Chrono Trigger like time travel system and storyline, and collecting monsters to have in your party sort of like Pokemon in a way was incredible. It was pretty neat to have a giant Bahamut on your side.

Yeah it had a Troll ending , but look at FF VII's ending, that was just as awful. It was rushed, confusing, and unclear what went on. For ages I thought that everybody died minus Nanaki, because the game says that the White Materia is going to wipe out anything bad, so I thought that it was going for a " Humans are rotten, even if they try and be good, they still have selfish desires and greed, but animals are pure " message.

but lol nope. Cloud is alive.

Again same here

If Final Fantasy XIII-3 was about Hope and Noel finding a way to revive Serah I would of been so fucking hyped, but lol nope, Lightning waifu. lets have Lightning as the only playable character because she's the only one that matters, have Noel and Snow as her rivals even though Lightning and Snow healed their anger towards each other in the original game and Noel and Light got along fine and she even trusted Noel enough to save Serah in XIII-2, but lol nope, Lightning waifu.

Yes so much, the whole " pushing Sazh into the background " thing fucking sucks.
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